Shaanxi International Business College


Site Name: Shaanxi International Business College

Site Description: Shaanxi International Business College is a full-time undergraduate university established by the renowned enterprise Stepwise Group in 1997 and approved by the Ministry of Education. It has won the honorary titles of "Advanced Collective for Stable and Safe Education System in Shaanxi Province", "exemplary organization for Integrity in Shaanxi Province", "exemplary organization for Vocational Skills Appraisal in Shaanxi Province", and is a teaching university integrating industry, learning and research with high employability and employment rate in Shaanxi Province. In March 2008, Professor Zhao Buchang, the founder of the college and the chairman of the Stepper Group, and Dr. Zhao Chao, the chairman of the college, were both elected as representatives to the 11th National People's Congress and received a warm reception from party and state leaders. The college was selected as the strongest annual sample institution for the execution of graduates from the first private universities in China in 2009.

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Category: social sciences >> University Department/College

Index date: 2009-11-21 10:03:00

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