Anhui College of Traditional Chinese Medicine


Site Name: Anhui College of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Site Description: Anhui College of Traditional Chinese Medicine was founded in 1959, and in 2000, the provincial government approved the merger of Anhui Medical School into our school. In 2005, the school achieved good results in the undergraduate teaching level evaluation of the Ministry of Education, and in 2006, it achieved excellent results in the ideological and political education work evaluation of college students in Anhui Province. The school is the construction unit of the National Clinical Research Base of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the authorized construction unit for newly added doctoral degrees, the national exchange and cooperation base for traditional Chinese medicine, and the recommended unit for master's degree exemption. It is also the seventh and eighth civilized unit in Anhui Province.

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Category: Education and training >> Higher Education

Index date: 2009-11-16 09:28:00

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