Wannan Medical College

Domain: www.wnmc.edu.cn

Site Name: Wannan Medical College

Site Description: Wannan Medical College is an ordinary higher education institution under the jurisdiction of Anhui Province. The school is located in Wuhu, a national open city with the reputation of "Anhui style, the city of thousands of lakes". The predecessor was Wuhu Medical College, founded in 1958, which was merged into Anhui Medical College in 1970. In 1971, Anhui Medical College's Wannan Branch was established, and in 1974, it was approved by the State Council for independent establishment and named Wannan Medical College. The school is one of the first universities under the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council to have the right to confer bachelor's and master's degrees. Passed the qualification evaluation of undergraduate teaching work by the Ministry of Education in 1998; In 1999, it passed the undergraduate teaching evaluation by the Provincial Department of Education; In 2002, it passed the evaluation of the provincial basic course teaching laboratory.

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Category: Education and training >> Higher Education

Index date: 2009-11-16 09:27:00

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