fuyang teachers college

Domain: www.fync.edu.cn

Site Name: fuyang teachers college

Site Description: Fuyang Normal University is located in the central city of northwestern Anhui - Fuyang City. Here is a place full of charm and talent, with a long history and culture. Famous cultural elites such as Guan, Laozi, Zhuangzi, Cao Cao, Cao Pi, Cao Zhi, Ouyang Xiu, Su Shi, Zeng Gong, and others have endowed this land with a rich historical heritage. The school is adjacent to West Lake in ancient Yingzhou, and is located at an important hub of north-south transportation in China - the Beijing Kowloon Railway and the 4C level airport in the northern Anhui region. The transportation is convenient and the location is superior.

Server IP: www.fync.edu.cnGeographic location

Website Data: SEO > www.fync.edu.cn Whois > www.fync.edu.cn Geographic location

Category: social sciences >> education

Index date: 2009-11-16 09:30:00

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