Tibet Court

Domain: tibet.chinacourt.org

Site Name: Tibet Court

Site Description: There is one higher people's court, seven intermediate courts, 73 grassroots courts, and two people's courts in the entire district. The court in the entire district has a current staffing of 1410, with a total of 1442 police officers. Among them, there is one second level Grand Justice, 217 senior judges, and 435 judges. Among the district court officers, there are 1187 Tibetan, 243 Han, 12 other ethnic minorities, 6 graduate students, 143 with university education, and 972 with college education, accounting for a total of 77.7%.

Server IP: tibet.chinacourt.orgGeographic location

Website Data: SEO > tibet.chinacourt.org Whois > tibet.chinacourt.org Geographic location

Category: Politics/Law/Military >> Classification by region

Index date: 2010-01-14 09:06:00

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