• Welcome to North College of Beijing University of Chemical Technology

    Welcome to North College of Beijing University of Chemical Technology

  • Gengdan College of Beijing University of Technology

    Gengdan College of Beijing University of Technology was established in July 2005 with the approval of the Ministry of Education. It is an independent college jointly organized by Beijing University of Technology and Beijing Gengdan Education Development Center. It is a full-time regular undergraduate institution operating under new mechanisms and models.

  • Century College of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

    Century College of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications is approved by the Ministry of Education (Jiao Fa Han [2005] No. 64) and the Beijing Municipal Commission of Education (Jing Jiao Ji [2005] No. 31) in accordance with the "Several Opinions on Regulating and Strengthening the Management of Independent Colleges in Ordinary Universities through New Mechanisms and Models" (Jiao Fa Han [2003] No. 8) issued by the Ministry of Education, A full-time undergraduate ordinary university jointly established by Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications and Xihua Future Education Industry Co., Ltd. in accordance with the new mechanism and educational model, is the first independent college directly under the Ministry of Education in Beijing.

  • School of International Relations - Home Page - School of International Relations, China

    The School of International Relations is located in the scenic area of the western suburbs of Beijing, adjacent to the Summer Palace to the west and the Summer Palace to the east. It is adjacent to famous universities such as Peking University, Tsinghua University, and the Central Party School, as well as the central area of the Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park. With a gathering of elites and outstanding talents, the school has a superior geographical location and educational and research environment. The School of International Relations is a national key university managed by the Ministry of Education, which has gone through a glorious journey of over half a century: it once held training courses for the first batch of "General Ambassadors" born in New China; In the 1950s, it pioneered a teaching method that focused on learning contemporary foreign languages; In the early stages of reform and opening up, we took the lead in completing the transformation from a pure foreign language major to a composite foreign-related major; It has become a well-known interdisciplinary university with a focus on foreign languages and international issues as its teaching and research focus, and has cultivated a large number of talents with excellent academic and moral character for national political and legal organs, foreign affairs departments, and educational research institutions.

  • Welcome to Beijing Geely University!

    Beijing Geely University is a full-time comprehensive private ordinary higher education institution approved by the Beijing Municipal People's Government, registered by the Ministry of Education, and founded by Geely Group. It focuses on vocational education. The school implements a principal responsibility system under the leadership of the board of directors. The Chairman is Mr. Li Shufu, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Geely Group, and the President is Professor Jiang Shuren (former President of China Agricultural University).

  • China Women's College

    China Women's College is the only regular undergraduate higher education institution for women in China, affiliated with the All China Women's Federation and approved by the Ministry of Education. The school has a 60 year history of education. Chen Muhua was appointed as the honorary dean of the school. Its predecessor was the New China Women's Vocational School, founded in 1949 by revolutionary predecessors such as Song Qingling, He Xiangning, Cai Chang, Deng Yingchao, Kang Keqing, and later renamed as the All China Women's Federation Women's Cadre School. In 1984, it was upgraded to the National Women's Federation Management Cadre College, becoming the first independently established women's adult university in China. In 1987, to meet the growing learning needs of women from all walks of life, the school was renamed as the China Women's Management Cadre College. The school began recruiting fresh high school graduates in 1996 and offering regular undergraduate education. In February 2002, with the approval of the Ministry of Education, it was officially transformed into a regular undergraduate higher education institution. In 2005, the school successfully passed the undergraduate teaching level evaluation by the Ministry of Education and achieved good results. At present, the school has become a multi-level higher education institution with qualifications for regular undergraduate, higher vocational, adult education, women's cadre training, and graduate joint education. We have 456 faculty members and nearly 5000 full-time students on campus.

  • Beijing Peking University Founder School of Software Technology

    Beijing Peking University Founder Software Technology College is a planned full-time regular higher vocational college organized by Peking University Founder Group, approved by the Beijing Municipal People's Government, registered by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, supervised by the Beijing Municipal Education Commission, and approved by the Beijing Municipal Organization Committee. Since its establishment, the college has received care and support from leaders at all levels of the country, the Ministry of Education, the Beijing Municipal Education Commission, and various sectors of society. At that time, leaders such as Wang Guangying, Vice Chairman of the National People's Congress, Wang Xuan, Vice Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Gao Yi, Secretary of the Party Group of the Ministry of Education, Wang Shaojie, Vice Chairman of the Central Committee of the People's Republic of China, and Geng Xuechao, Director of the Beijing Municipal Education Commission, personally visited our college for inspection and guidance. Vice Chairman Wang Guangying also inscribed the name of our college, and Vice Chairman Wang Xuan served as the honorary dean of our college.

  • China Institute of Labor Relations

    The China Institute of Labor Relations is a general institution of higher learning affiliated to the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, which focuses on social science and management science and focuses on training talents engaged in trade union work, labor law, labor relations, economic management and public management. The college has a development history of 60 years and has trained a large number of outstanding talents for various levels of party and government organs, trade union organizations, and enterprises and institutions in China.

  • Welcome to the website of Capital Sports College!

    Capital Institute of Physical Education website

  • Welcome to Beijing Dongfang University!

    Beijing Dongfang University was founded in 1984 and is a comprehensive full-time private non academic higher education institution approved by the Beijing Municipal Education Commission. Beijing Dongfang University, with its distinct educational characteristics, clear training objectives, strong faculty, scientific management methods, and rigorous academic attitude, has successively cultivated over 10000 professional applied talents for society. Years of educational practice have proven that the educational achievements of Dongfang University have been widely recognized and praised by the government, society, and employers.

  • Beijing Material College

    Beijing Materials College is a finance and economics general higher education institution located in Beijing, with logistics as its characteristic, economics as its foundation, and management as its backbone. It covers the coordinated development of multiple disciplines such as economics, management, science, engineering, literature, and law. Its predecessor was the Department of Material Management established by Beijing University of Economics in 1963. In 1980, in order to meet the needs of China's reform and opening up and socialist economic development for talent in material management, with the approval of the State Council, Beijing Material College was established. The school is successively under the jurisdiction of the National Bureau of Materials, the Ministry of Materials, and the Ministry of Domestic Trade. In October 1998, it was transferred to Beijing for management.

  • China Academy of Science and Technology Management

    The China University of Science and Technology Management is a multidisciplinary university that is a key focus of domestic and international construction. It mainly cultivates senior specialized talents in economics, business, law, and other fields for the business service industry. It is a higher education institution with independent higher education and bachelor's degrees. So far, more than 3000 specialized talents of all levels and types have been trained for various sectors of society.