China Women's College


Site Name: China Women's College

Site Description: China Women's College is the only regular undergraduate higher education institution for women in China, affiliated with the All China Women's Federation and approved by the Ministry of Education. The school has a 60 year history of education. Chen Muhua was appointed as the honorary dean of the school. Its predecessor was the New China Women's Vocational School, founded in 1949 by revolutionary predecessors such as Song Qingling, He Xiangning, Cai Chang, Deng Yingchao, Kang Keqing, and later renamed as the All China Women's Federation Women's Cadre School. In 1984, it was upgraded to the National Women's Federation Management Cadre College, becoming the first independently established women's adult university in China. In 1987, to meet the growing learning needs of women from all walks of life, the school was renamed as the China Women's Management Cadre College. The school began recruiting fresh high school graduates in 1996 and offering regular undergraduate education. In February 2002, with the approval of the Ministry of Education, it was officially transformed into a regular undergraduate higher education institution. In 2005, the school successfully passed the undergraduate teaching level evaluation by the Ministry of Education and achieved good results. At present, the school has become a multi-level higher education institution with qualifications for regular undergraduate, higher vocational, adult education, women's cadre training, and graduate joint education. We have 456 faculty members and nearly 5000 full-time students on campus.

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Category: social sciences >> University Department/College

Index date: 2009-11-27 10:49:00

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