• Welcome to the website of Shenyang Institute of Physical Education

    The goal of Shenyang Institute of Physical Education is to build a first-class and world-renowned sports university in China. In the next 5-10 years, guided by the Scientific Outlook on Development, we will achieve coordinated development of scale, structure, quality, and efficiency. The discipline and major adhere to a focus on physical education, with coordinated development of teaching, management, and culture, with a total of about 15 majors; There are about 7600 undergraduate students, 600 graduate students, 300 international students, and 800-1000 students in various training programs; There are about 700 full-time teachers, with leading domestic scholars and experts in certain disciplines and sports events; To maintain the advantages of sports such as ice and snow, boxing, etc., in the next two Olympic Games and two Winter Olympic Games, college students of our college will be guaranteed to participate and win at least two gold medals.

  • Shenyang Conservatory of Music

    Shenyang Conservatory of Music is the only higher music and dance art institution with a long history and glorious tradition in Northeast China. The college originated in 1938 from the Lu Xun Academy of Art, founded by older generation proletarian revolutionaries such as Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Lin Boqu, Xu Teli, Cheng Fangwu, Ai Siqi, and Zhou Yang in Yan'an. In 1940, it was renamed the Lu Xun Academy of Art and Literature. After the victory of the Anti Japanese War, the college was relocated from Yan'an to Northeast China. At the end of 1948, it was located in Shenyang and renamed as Northeast Lu Xun Literature and Art College. In 1953, on the basis of the music department of the college, Northeast Music College was established. In 1958, it was officially renamed Shenyang Conservatory of Music and is open to nationwide enrollment.

  • Liaoning University of Technology

    Liaoning University of Technology is a provincial full-time multidisciplinary university with a focus on engineering and coordinated development of science, engineering, economics, management, and culture. The school was founded in 1951; In August 1958, it was upgraded to a junior college and named Jinzhou Industrial College; In April 1960, he was upgraded to a bachelor's degree and named Jinzhou Institute of Technology; In June 1992, it was renamed Liaoning Institute of Technology; In March 2007, it was renamed Liaoning University of Technology.

  • Shenyang University

    Shenyang University is a comprehensive university covering nine disciplines including economics, law, education, literature, history, science, engineering, agriculture and management, with undergraduate education as the main body, and with multi-level and multi type education of master's degree, higher vocational and technical education, continuing education and international student education.

  • Dalian University

    The history of Dalian University can be traced back to the original Dalian University, which was founded in April 1949; In July 1950, the organizational system of Dalian University was abolished. At that time, the College of Technology of Dalian University was independent of Dalian University of Technology, the School of Medicine of Dalian University was independent of Dalian Medical University, and the Institute of Science of Dalian University was independent of Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. In October 1987, on the basis of the original branch of Dalian University of Technology, Dalian Medical and Normal Schools were merged to form the new Dalian University. The Dalian Municipal Party Committee and Government attach great importance to Dalian University, and Professor Zhao Yaping, who was then the Vice Mayor of Dalian, was appointed as the first President and Party Secretary of the new Dalian University.

  • Shenyang Medical College

    Shenyang Medical College is a full-time undergraduate institution approved by the Ministry of Education, founded in 1949. The school is located in the beautiful northern university city of Shenyang, covering an area of 446700 square meters, with a building area of 205000 square meters and fixed assets of 680 million yuan. There are 13 teaching units, 7 affiliated hospitals, 26 teaching hospitals and 149 practice bases, including the School of Basic Medicine, the School of Public Health, the Clinical School and the School of Nursing. In 2007, it was awarded the "Excellent" undergraduate teaching evaluation by the Ministry of Education. In 2009, it became the authorized construction unit for the newly added master's degree in Liaoning Province.

  • Welcome to Liaoning University of Engineering and Technology

    Liaoning University of Engineering and Technology is a national key university with a long history of 60 years. As early as the eve of the founding of the People's Republic of China, in order to restore production, develop the economy, and support the liberation of the entire country, with the approval of the Northeast People's Government, Hegang Engineering Senior Vocational School, Jixi Coal Mine Industrial School, Fushun Engineering Senior Vocational School, Fuxin Engineering Senior Vocational School, and Dongbei Coal Mine Workers Rapid School were established. In 1958, Fuxin Coal Mine College, Fushun Coal Mine College, Liaoning Coal Mine Normal College, and Jixi Mining College were established respectively. In the early 1960s, the universities were restructured and merged. The school was located in Fuxin City, Liaoning Province and named Fuxin Coal Mine College, becoming the only coal higher education institution in Northeast China. In 1978, the school was renamed Fuxin Mining College. In April 1996, with the approval of the National Education Commission, it was renamed and upgraded to Liaoning University of Engineering and Technology.

  • Dalian Maritime University

    Dalian Maritime University (formerly known as Dalian Maritime University) is a national key university under the Ministry of Transport. It is a renowned institution of higher navigation in China and one of the few maritime universities in the world recognized by the International Maritime Organization as having an international reputation.

  • Shenyang University of Technology

    Shenyang University of Technology is located in the modern central city of Shenyang in Northeast China. It is a multi-disciplinary teaching and research university with a focus on engineering, science, economics, management, humanities, law, and philosophy. The school was founded in 1949 and renamed Shenyang University of Technology from Shenyang Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering in 1985. It was originally a university under the Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China. Since 1998, it has been jointly built by the central and local governments and mainly managed by Liaoning Province.

  • Shenyang Agricultural University

    Shenyang Agricultural University is a national key university characterized by agriculture and life sciences, with coordinated development of multiple disciplines including agriculture, science, engineering, economics, and management. It is an important base for cultivating agricultural science and technology talents and conducting scientific research in China.

  • Shenyang Pharmaceutical University

    Shenyang Pharmaceutical University is a school with the tradition of Glorious Revolution. It was born in Ruijin, Jiangxi Province in 1931. It is the oldest comprehensive pharmaceutical university in China. The school covers an area of 210000 square meters, with a building area of 280000 square meters and 1184 faculty members. The school has now developed into a multi-disciplinary, multi-level, and multi-form higher pharmaceutical education institution. There are schools of pharmacy, pharmaceutical engineering, traditional Chinese medicine, life sciences and biopharmaceuticals, business administration, basic education, higher vocational technology, adult education, international pharmaceutical cooperation research center, testing center, computer center, modern education center, traditional Chinese medicine resource center, etc.

  • China Medical University

    China Medical University (CMU) is the earliest college founded by the CPC, the only college that ran a school on the way to the Long March and completed the whole journey of 25000 miles. Its predecessor was the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army Military Medical School and the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army Health School, founded in Ruijin, Jiangxi in 1931. In 1940, at the suggestion of Comrade Mao Zedong and with the approval of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the school was renamed as China Medical University in Yan'an. In November 1948, the former National Shenyang Medical College (formerly Manchukuo Medical University, established by Japan's South Manchukuo Railway Corporation in 1911) and the former private Liaoning Medical College (formerly Shengjing Medical University, established by the British Church in 1882) were merged in Shenyang. China Medical University was originally a higher education institution under the Ministry of Health. In 2000, it was transferred from the Ministry of Health to a provincial and ministerial joint construction, mainly managed by Liaoning Province.