• Watching your phone before going to bed in the morning? This' Health Gold Code for the Whole Family 'reminds us

    Beijing Evening News | Author You SuningMedical Science Popularization that Widely Gathers WisdomCompiled by the Propaganda Department of the National Health Commission and organized by the People's Health Publishing HouseEveryone is the first person responsible for their own health, and has a health responsibility to their family and society. According to data from the World Health Organization, personal behavior and lifestyle have a 60% impact on health

  • A behavior of a three year old child in Dongguan has made parents regret it, and doctors remind them to change this habit

    Doctor, won't the child be deaf in the future? "A parent asked regretfully and urgently in the ear, nose, throat, head and neck surgery room of Dongguan Maternal and Child Health Hospital. Her three year old child, Xiao Bao (pseudonym), was diagnosed with traumatic perforation of the right eardrum due to continuous bleeding from using a cotton swab to pull out his ear

  • Why do some people die at the age of 60, while others are still very healthy at the age of 90? Three long-lived elderly people say this

    At dusk, I arrived at Grandpa Liang's house next to the rural road. Although Grandpa Liang, who is 94 years old, has a slightly bent body, he is full of energy and has a smiling face

  • This kind of "refreshing tool" must not be used!

    Source: Internet Joint Anti Rumor PlatformUnconsciouslyThe eight day holiday ended like thisMany netizens expressed that:I want to travel back to the day of September 29thIf you say no to happiness, it's quite suddenWork after vacationNot only can one deeply appreciate#8 days are very short, 7 days are very long#There may also be 'post holiday syndrome'Such as insomnia, dizziness, loss of appetiteWhat is "post holiday syndrome"?Post holiday syndrome refers to physical and mental discomfort symptoms that occur after long holidays or holidays, including fatigue, insomnia, drowsiness, poor appetite, difficulty concentrating on work, abnormal muscle soreness or rapid heartbeat, anxiety, emptiness, and irritability.Faced with exhaustion and fatigueMy friends are all using their skillsStrong tea, coffee, refreshing oilBut rememberTens of millions of refreshing methodsDo not use drugs as a meansThey always say playing games is too tiringI helped them get some drugs to refresh themselvesWei, a male drug user in Huangshi City, Hubei ProvinceWhen playing games with good brothers in groupsUsing drugs asHealth products that refresh and refresh the mindRecommended to everyoneGradually, the brothers became addicted to drugsFrequently purchasing drugs from WeiThis has also reached Wei MouBy selling, raising, and absorbingPurpose ofA 60 year old woman living in Shiyan City, Hubei ProvincePlaying computer late at night until the early morning of the next dayTo eliminate drowsiness and drive away drowsinessUnder the temptation of a friendNot a few days laterThey were all captured by the police one after anotherCriminals have always been enthusiastic aboutActually, they are all scams!Once you relax your guardIn the end, they will only be brought into the poison pitFinally, I would like to remind everyone once againNever use incorrect methodsTo forcefully overcome one's post holiday syndromeChoose the correct and scientific adjustment methodTo quickly adjust the stateHealthy Face to Daily Work

  • Returning to work after the holiday but catching a fever? The flu is entering a high season, so keep this bag safe

    The autumn flu is really excruciating! Nose congestion! Headache, sore throat! "" I've been surfing for 2g, only to find out about the recent Type A flu today. "" The flu hasn't recovered yet, the eight day holiday has ended, but tomorrow I have to resume my daily routine

  • The lowest temperature tomorrow morning is 15~16 ! Suzhou is mainly cloudy this week, with suitable temperatures!

    This morning (9th)There are many cloud systems over Suzhou CityLowest gas temperatureThe weather is slightly coolerThe sky occasionally opens during the daySun father-in-law occasionally shows a faceYunduoPlus the blowing of northerly windsWeak daytime temperature riseSuch a temperatureOverall, the human body feels comfortableWeather this weekExpected to be on the night of the 12th to the 13th of this weekThere was a precipitation processThe rainfall is mainly light rainThe remaining time periods are mainly dominated by changes in cloud systemsAlthough there were weak cold air and weak precipitation disturbances during the weekBut the highest temperature fluctuates littleThe lowest gas temperature fluctuatesOverallExcept for the weak precipitation from the night of the 12th to the 13thWeather this weekComfortable body feelCold Dew Health PreservationEntering the Cold Dew solar term, the cold gradually rises, which is a high incidence period of respiratory diseases. A decrease in temperature can cause tracheal contraction and increase airway resistance

  • Is drinking water useful for dry nose, dry mouth, and dry skin? This is how autumn moistens and dries!

    Recently, many people have found that their bodies have become a bit "dry": dry nose and throat, dry eyes, dry and itchy skin.

  • Is drinking water useful for dry nose, dry mouth, and dry skin? Doing this in autumn to moisturize and dry

    Recently, many people have found that their bodies have become a bit "dry": dry nose and throat, dry eyes, dry and itchy skin.

  • Why is it that men who do not smoke or drink are the most "terrifying"? There are three main reasons for this

    In real life, many men have the habit of smoking and drinking. Firstly, men face significant challenges in their work,Smoking and drinking are considered one of the ways to relieve tension and stress, while nicotine and alcohol can temporarily alleviate anxiety and fatigue, helping men relax both physically and mentally

  • 58-year-old uncle's blood sugar dropped from 14.5 to 5.2. Doctor: His three hypoglycemic habits are worth learning

    At the age of 58, Uncle Hu was still a talented person with good health when he was young. However, due to poor business, he gradually fell back and developed bad habits

  • The relationship between lifespan and weight has been discovered: after the age of 60, this weight is just right. Have you met the standards

    When you are young, you should control your weight properly, otherwise as you get older, you will find various chronic diseases.However, as we age, we will find that controlling weight is actually a very difficult task

  • Washing dishes like this increases bacteria by 70 times! I ate it all in my stomach

    Every time the dishes and dishes are washed at home, they are stacked togetherTake it out of the cabinet the next day and use it againRecently, a friend said that this habit is not goodMay cause secondary contamination of dishesIs this statement true?An experimentPreviously, the Home Appliances Research Institute conducted a set of experiments, which included two sets of comparisons. The experimenter first disinfected the tableware and coated it with sterile broth
