Watching your phone before going to bed in the morning? This' Health Gold Code for the Whole Family 'reminds us

Beijing Evening News | Author You SuningMedical Science Popularization that Widely Gathers WisdomCompiled by the Propaganda Department of the National Health Commission and organized by the People's Health Publishing HouseEveryone is the first person responsible for their own health, and has a health responsibility to their family and society. According to data from the World Health Organization, personal behavior and lifestyle have a 60% impact on health

Beijing Evening News | Author You Suning

Medical Science Popularization that Widely Gathers Wisdom

Compiled by the Propaganda Department of the National Health Commission and organized by the People's Health Publishing House

Everyone is the first person responsible for their own health, and has a health responsibility to their family and society. According to data from the World Health Organization, personal behavior and lifestyle have a 60% impact on health. Therefore, popularizing health knowledge and improving the overall health literacy of the people are the most fundamental, economical, and effective measures to improve the overall health level of the people. The "Health Golden Classic for the Whole Family" edited and published by the People's Health Publishing House is written by medical experts who love popular science, with scientific content and authoritative viewpoints; At the same time, the article has a novel form and strong readability. Moreover, the book has a rich range of topics and strong applicability, with a total of 91 articles mainly covering 11 fields such as public health and prevention of infectious diseases, first aid and accidental injury prevention, promotion of mental health, reasonable diet, national fitness, tumor prevention and treatment, oral health, sleep health, skin health, eye health, and gender health.

This book is undoubtedly an encyclopedia on public health, with comprehensive content, extensive references, and reliable data, which helps us understand new knowledge and correct errors. The book is filled with impressive health knowledge, such as the four "golden times" that most people should remember for first aid:Myocardial infarction lasts for 90 minutes, stroke lasts for 3 to 4.5 hours, tracheal foreign bodies last for only 4 to 10 minutes, and trauma lasts for 6 to 8 hours. The most typical symptom of acute myocardial infarction is severe and persistent pain behind the sternum, which cannot be completely relieved even with rest and the use of nitroglycerin drugs. Shortening the time from onset to the opening of acute occluded heart vessels is the core of the entire treatment process.

China has entered an aging society, with 260 million elderly people over 60 years old. The elderly population may develop incorrect dietary beliefs, which can limit their nutritional intake, leading to malnutrition or even malnutrition. Experts point out that nutrition is an important factor affecting the immune function of the body, and a reasonable diet and sufficient nutrition are fundamental to the strong immune system. A reasonable diet should consume at least 12 types of food per day, including whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruits, low-fat dairy products, and less red or processed meat, refined grains, and processed foods. Eating a dietary pattern rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids is beneficial for multiple health outcomes. In recent years, people have continuously turned their attention to probiotics in order to have a healthy gut microbiota. However, existing studies have shown that probiotics have strain specificity and individual differences in their effects on health, and there is no "universal" probiotic strain suitable for everyone and improving all health conditions. There is insufficient evidence to support the use of probiotics for most digestive system diseases.

The book provides authoritative answers to the paradoxical doubts in people's minds. There are three evaluation criteria for good sleep: firstly, falling asleep smoothly and falling asleep within 10 to 15 minutes; Secondly, the entire sleep process is complete and does not wake up midway; The third is to feel comfortable and refreshed after waking up. Existing data shows that nearly 50% of cancers can be prevented, and 80% of them are related to lifestyle. To reduce cancer risk, the key lies in changing lifestyle and reducing and avoiding exposure to risk factors. The most important known cancer related lifestyle risk factors are smoking, alcohol consumption, dietary nutrition, and physical activity. The risk of developing lung cancer among smokers is 22 times higher than that of non-smokers, and non-smokers who are exposed to second-hand smoke still have a risk of developing lung cancer. It's never too late to quit smoking at any time, and after 10 years of quitting smoking, the risk of lung cancer death is reduced by 50% compared to smokers. Choosing healthy foods and dietary patterns can prevent 30% to 40% of cancer; Regular physical exercise and physical activity can reduce the risk of cancer, and the degree of reduction is related to the amount and duration of exercise. Overall, consistent exercise can reduce the risk of cancer by 7%. 60% of people have pulmonary nodules, of which 95% are benign lesions, but caution is still needed. More than 80% of gastric cancer patients are diagnosed as advanced, and the 5-year survival rate of advanced gastric cancer patients is less than 10%; Among various environmental factors, the incidence of colorectal cancer is most closely related to diet, and the incidence rate is positively related to the high fat consumption in food. Therefore, early gastrointestinal screening is particularly important.

Healthy running is a free spirited exercise that hones willpower, transforms hardship and joy, reconstructs spiritual character, unites the body with nature, and is a great medicine for a happy life. Running does not harm the knees, and the incidence of arthritis is 3.5% among fitness runners, while 10.2% among sedentary individuals. To prevent knee problems, the first step is to avoid significant flexion of the knee joint, as squatting and kneeling movements are the enemy of the knee joint. The correct way to walk is to exert force on the hips first, swing the hips forward, and drive the legs forward. The proportion of joint damage is only 2.5%. Nowadays, mobile phones have become an external "organ" of humans, interacting with us day and night.

Watching a phone may be the first thing many people do every morning and the last thing they do at night. However, we should know that,Playing with a mobile phone with your head down is equivalent to a weight of 25 kilograms on top of your head, which can lead to a "phone neck" for a long time. In addition, the phone held in the palm of the hand is actually "covered in bacteria marks", with more bacteria on the phone screen than the toilet flush button and elevator button. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly take a "disinfection bath" on your phone. The specific method for cleaning your phone is to wipe it with hand disinfectant, regular wet tissue, or 75% ethanol. At the same time, mobile phone disinfection and hand hygiene require "collaborative cooperation" in order to achieve twice the result with half the effort.

Psychological health is an important component of health. With the accelerated pace of life, the incidence rate of psychosomatic diseases is increasing, especially depression. Research has shown that depression is a common psychological disorder, with one patient in every 14 people in China. Its main manifestations are sustained low emotions, decreased interest, and lack of pleasure. Its other manifestations include a significant decrease in energy and a tendency to feel tired; Reduced attention, lack of confidence, feeling useless and helpless; Having no hope for the future, eating poorly, sleeping poorly, etc; In severe cases, there may be thoughts and behaviors that harm oneself, and even suicide. The laziness of depression patients is universal, that is, they are indiscriminately unwilling to do anything. The low mood of its patients is inherent, and it may be difficult to detect without careful inquiry and observation by others.

Mr. Tao Xingzhi once said: The entire secret of educating children lies in believing in them and liberating them.The secret to helping teenagers solve psychological problems is not to blindly deny or criticize their external behavior, but to learn to listen and communicate sincerely. By accepting imperfections and growing together with children. Children have internet addiction, and the problem lies with their parents. There may be two fundamental reasons for children's addiction to the internet: a lack of family care and warmth; Cultural life is monotonous and impoverished. The solution for parents is to communicate more, manage well, and set an example.

Health requires scientific guidance. Let's read more, read good books, improve our health literacy, and improve our health level.

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