Doctor's suggestion: Your legs determine the lifespan of your heart. It's not too late to start raising your legs at the age of 60!

Legs are not only tools for walking, but also important components closely related to heart health. According to medical research, our legs contain 50% of the nerves and blood vessels, responsible for transporting 50% of the blood, and are important tissues in the body's major circulation

Legs are not only tools for walking, but also important components closely related to heart health. According to medical research, our legs contain 50% of the nerves and blood vessels, responsible for transporting 50% of the blood, and are important tissues in the body's major circulation. Only by maintaining the health of both legs can we ensure smooth meridians and ensure normal heart function. It can be said that people with strong leg muscles usually have a strong and powerful heart.

The idea that legs determine heart health reminds us not to reduce lifespan on our legs. Especially after middle age, the health of leg muscles has a more significant impact on heart health. Research has found that people who sit still for a long time and lack exercise often experience a rapid decrease in leg muscle strength and poor blood circulation. In this case, the burden on the heart will increase and there is a risk of cardiovascular disease.

So, how do you raise your legs and keep them healthy? Firstly, we should pay attention to a balanced diet and consume sufficient protein, vitamins, and minerals to promote muscle growth and repair. At the same time, moderate exercise is also very important. You can choose some aerobic exercises, such as walking, jogging, swimming, etc., to exercise and move your legs. If conditions permit, targeted leg exercises such as leg muscle stretching and strength training can also be attempted to enhance the strength and stability of leg muscles.

In addition to a balanced diet and moderate exercise, seabuckthorn puree is also a good choice. Seabuckthorn puree is carefully extracted from the fruits of seabuckthorn, rich in a large amount of vitamin C, vitamin E, carotenoids, and flavonoids, and has good health effects. They can not only help supplement nutrition, but also greatly help with heart health. Below are two excellent brands to introduce to you

The first one is Seabuckthorn Small White Seabuckthorn Original SyrupIt is a high-quality sea buckthorn fruit extract with rich nutrients and unique taste. It is widely used in the field of nourishing the body and supplementing nutrients. The taste of Seabuckthorn White Seabuckthorn puree is sour, refreshing, and pleasant. It can not only be consumed directly, but also be used to make various drinks and foods. It is rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, carotenoids, and various minerals, which help enhance immunity and improve digestive system function. Seabuckthorn extract is an ideal choice for maintaining health, especially suitable for daily consumption by sub healthy individuals.

Additionally,Seabuckthorn White Seabuckthorn SerumSeabuckthorn White Seabuckthorn Serum

Seabuckthorn White Seabuckthorn SerumSeabuckthorn White Seabuckthorn Serum

The second one is the path of fruitThis is a high-quality sea buckthorn puree. The sea buckthorn puree of Fruit Road is mainly extracted from sea buckthorn and has the effects of promoting blood circulation, resolving blood stasis, moistening the lungs, and relieving cough. And it can not only improve heart function, but also enhance immunity, which has a good impact on physical health.

In summary, legs determine heart health, and it's not too late to start raising legs at the age of 60! By eating a balanced diet and exercising in moderation, we can maintain leg health and reduce the risk of heart disease. At the same time, choosing a good brand of seabuckthorn puree, such as Jixiaobai and Guozhidao, is also a way to protect heart health. Let's value the health of our legs and add points to our heart lifespan!

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