On the second day after eating pig blood, passing black stool indicates that the body is detoxifying? Many people misunderstand

When it comes to food such as blood tofu, blood pudding, and Mao Xuewang, I believe everyone will not feel unfamiliar. Moreover, many people even unconsciously secrete saliva upon hearing the names of these dishes

When it comes to food such as blood tofu, blood pudding, and Mao Xuewang, I believe everyone will not feel unfamiliar. Moreover, many people even unconsciously secrete saliva upon hearing the names of these dishes. To make these dishes, there is often a very important ingredient, which is pig blood.

In China, the history of consuming pig blood can be said to be long-standing. As early as in the classic Chinese medicine book "Records of Famous Doctors", there is a record of this statement about pig blood, which is "pig blood has a mild nature, a salty taste, belongs to the heart and liver meridians, detoxifies and clears the intestines, nourishes and nourishes".

In daily life, many friends who love to eat pig blood will notice such a "strange phenomenon". After eating pig blood the first day, when they go to the restroom the next day, they will find that their stools appear noticeably black, and sometimes even suspect that their body has contracted some disease.

So, why does the black stool pass out the next day after eating pig blood the first day?

In fact, the explanation of this question is very simple. Pig blood, as a type of blood food, contains a very rich amount of red blood cells, and the trace element - iron - is the most important component of red blood cells. Therefore, this means that we also supplement a lot of iron during the process of consuming pig blood.

After entering the human body, these iron elements are often absorbed and metabolized through the intestines, mixed in feces, and oxidized to turn black. Therefore, many people will defecate black the next day after consuming pig blood.

Although this principle is very simple to explain, there are still many people on major online platforms who use "black stool" to make articles and give pig blood many "unnecessary" nutrients and functions. This is often misleading for some friends who enjoy health preservation. For example, I hope everyone can recognize these two major cognitive misconceptions about pig blood in a timely manner.

Myth 1: Eating pig blood to excrete "black stool" is actually detoxification?

Indeed, a long time ago, traditional Chinese medicine books in China mentioned that pig blood has the effect of "detoxifying and clearing the intestines". However, the "poison" considered by traditional Chinese medicine often represents an abnormal state of the human body, such as cold poison, fire poison, etc. Pig blood can play a certain role in nourishing and nourishing, and "detoxification" usually means "deficiency toxin", "stomach cold toxin", etc. It is not considered as a metabolic toxin in modern medicine.

In addition, it has been clearly explained in the previous text that the reason for the discharge of black stool is due to the oxidation reaction of trace element iron, rather than belonging to toxins. Therefore, although the nutritional value of pig blood is very high, the so-called "detoxification" effect does not actually exist.

Myth 2: Does eating pig blood have the effect of "clearing the lungs"?

For a long time, the talk about "pig blood can clear the lungs" has been very popular, and many people even believe it deeply. However, if you can carefully think about it, it is often not difficult to find that such a role is basically impossible to exist:

Firstly, pig blood enters the human body and is digested through the intestines and stomach, without any direct contact with the lungs or absorption by the lung mucosal tissue. Therefore, the so-called lung nourishing and clearing effects cannot be achieved naturally;

In addition, the nutritional elements contained in pig blood mainly include many trace elements such as protein, fat, and iron. If pig blood can play a "lung clearing" effect, then can eggs, pork, and so on all help clear the lungs? But this is clearly non-existent.

Therefore, there are obvious doubts about the authenticity of these two very common pig blood "rumors". We hope everyone can understand them clearly and not easily believe them.

Pig blood is rich in nutrients, and its main nutritional value is often reflected in supplementing qi and blood, beautifying the skin, and supplementing the body with various trace elements. Therefore, we should not only view the nutritional value of pig blood correctly, but also cannot blindly exaggerate it.

This image and text is exclusively produced by "Panda Medicine" new media, and the author is Shang Xiang. Without authorization, please do not reprint or copy it

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