The "new blood pressure standard" has been announced, and it is not 120-80mmHg. We hope everyone knows - mental wellness activities for males

Blood pressure is the pressure generated by the human body's blood on the blood vessel wall and is one of the important physiological parameters in human life activities. The measurement of blood pressure is of great significance for understanding the health status of the cardiovascular system and preventing cardiovascular diseases

Blood pressure is the pressure generated by the human body's blood on the blood vessel wall and is one of the important physiological parameters in human life activities. The measurement of blood pressure is of great significance for understanding the health status of the cardiovascular system and preventing cardiovascular diseases.

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The level of blood pressure is influenced by various factors, including cardiac contractility, vascular elasticity, blood viscosity, and peripheral vascular resistance. The normal blood pressure range is 90/60 mmHg to 139/89 mmHg. The upper limit of this range is called hypertension, while the lower limit is called hypotension.

Hypertension refers to the continuous increase in blood pressure on the blood vessel wall above the normal range, usually manifested as symptoms such as headache, dizziness, tinnitus, and blurred vision.

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Do you really understand the causes of hypertension?

Gender and age

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Hypertension, a troublemaker, seems to prefer to be associated with men before the age of 35, and the incidence of hypertension in men is higher than in women at this stage. However, as soon as she turns 35, the incidence and increase in blood pressure in women begin to catch up with men, showing a trend of being the latter.

It is interesting that as men and women age, their blood pressure levels gradually increase like maple leaves in autumn. In autumn, both men and women are unable to escape the "seasonal" changes in blood pressure.

Vascular mechanism

The structural and functional changes of large and small arteries can directly affect blood pressure, just as the contraction and expansion of water pipes can regulate water flow. On the vascular wall, there are some important substances that can regulate cardiovascular function.

These substances can release chemicals to dilate or contract blood vessels, thereby maintaining normal blood pressure in the human body. As age increases, these substances on the blood vessel wall may undergo changes, leading to a decrease in the contraction or dilation function of the blood vessels.

Drinking and smoking

Drinking a lot of alcohol is like a raging flood, which not only increases blood pressure but also nullifies the effects of antihypertensive drugs. Nicotine in tobacco, like a cunning fox, can stimulate the central nervous system and sympathetic nervous system that manage vasoconstriction, causing small arteries to close like a winter stream, thereby continuously increasing blood pressure.

Emotional irritability

When emotions are excited, our blood vessels will fluctuate like waves, and hormone secretion will also contract with this kind of activity. The hormones in the blood vessels cause the blood vessels to contract rapidly in a short period of time, causing blood pressure to increase rapidly. People who drink excessively can also have an impact on the health of their blood vessels. The stimulation of alcohol causes blood vessels to contract, as if being held tightly by cold hands, making it difficult to quell the trend of blood pressure rise.

The "new blood pressure standard" has been announced, and it is not 120-80mmHg. We hope everyone knows

In the past, the standard of blood pressure was like a peaceful stream flowing in a 120/80 channel. However, as time passes, our dietary structure becomes like a constantly changing picture, causing the definition of blood pressure standards to sway in the wind. The threshold of elevated blood pressure has been redefined under the new dawn, divided into four categories, like four peaks, standing at the top of the new blood pressure standards.

Normal range:< 130/85mmHg

The range of hypertension: 130~139/85~89mmHg

Range of Grade 1 hypertension: 140~159/90~99mmHg

Scope of Level 2 Hypertension:> 160/100mmHg

If blood pressure remains unstable, what adverse effects will it have on the human body?

1. Preliminary hazards

In the early stages of hypertension, various uncomfortable "notes" may appear. For example, a headache is like a heavy note, constantly echoing in the mind; Nausea and vomiting make people feel uncomfortable; Vertigo and tinnitus, as if lost in direction; Palpitations and shortness of breath are also a form of tension and anxiety; Difficulties in falling asleep and numbness in the limbs interrupted the originally peaceful life.

2. Mid to late stage hazards

High blood pressure, without hesitation, exacerbates the hardening of small arteries throughout the body, causing important organs such as the heart, brain, and kidneys to face the dilemma of ischemia and hypoxia. High blood pressure secretly increases the burden on the heart, gradually moving towards the edge of diseases such as hypertensive heart disease, coronary heart disease, heart failure, and heart rhythm disorders. Just like a time bomb, it can detonate at any time, making people defenseless.

3. Causing complications

If hypertensive patients lack self-care awareness for a long time and monitor their blood pressure irregularly, it is like placing themselves on the edge of a cliff, and they may fall into an abyss at any time. Once the three important organs of the heart, brain, and kidneys are swept by the wave of hypertension, they may suffer fatal blows.

Extension - The faster and lower the blood pressure drops, the better?

For most hypertensive patients, the goal of antihypertensive treatment is to gradually lower blood pressure over a period of time, rather than immediately falling to the normal range. This is because the decrease in blood pressure requires a gradual adaptation process. If blood pressure drops too quickly or too low, it may lead to adverse reactions in the body, such as dizziness, dizziness, fatigue, etc.

Different types of hypertension patients need to adopt different antihypertensive strategies. For example, for young hypertensive patients, due to their good physical function, they can quickly adapt to the decrease in blood pressure, so the speed of blood pressure reduction can be appropriately accelerated.

For elderly hypertensive patients, due to their decreased physical function and weakened blood pressure regulation ability, it is necessary to control blood pressure more carefully to avoid adverse reactions.

For some special types of patients with hypertension, such as diabetes, coronary heart disease, kidney disease, etc., it is necessary to specifically control the blood pressure injection in order to reduce blood pressure. Control within a stricter range to reduce the risk of complications. However, too fast or too low a blood pressure reduction rate may also have negative effects on the body of these patients.

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