• Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

    Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications is a national key university with information technology as its characteristic, engineering as its main subject, and a combination of engineering, management, humanities, and science.

  • Renmin University of China

    Renmin University of China is a comprehensive research-oriented national key university focused on humanities and social sciences, directly under the Ministry of Education and jointly built by the Ministry of Education and Beijing. The predecessor of the school was Shaanbei Public School, which was born in 1937 during the war of resistance against Japan, as well as later North China United University and North China University. On December 16, 1949, the 11th Government Council of the Central People's Government passed the Decision on the Establishment of Renmin University of China on the recommendation of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China. On October 3, 1950, Renmin University of China, based on the merger of North China University, held a grand opening ceremony, becoming the first new type of formal university established in New China. Famous educators Wu Yuzhang, Cheng Fangwu, Yuan Baohua, Huang Da, and Li Wenhai have successively served as principals. The current president is Professor Ji Baocheng, and the party secretary is Professor Cheng Tianquan.

  • Tianjin College of Beijing University of Science and Technology

    Tianjin College of Beijing University of Science and Technology adheres to the excellent tradition of Beijing University of Science and Technology, actively adapts to the needs of economic development and social progress, fully utilizes the advantages of combining science and engineering, and integrating humanities and science, highlights the local comprehensive and international open education characteristics, establishes the educational concept of "educating people first", comprehensively implements quality education, and adheres to the principles of individual development and innovation, By conducting planned educational and scientific research activities, we aim to cultivate applied talents with innovative spirit and practical abilities.

  • Welcome to Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts - Home Page

    Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts is located on the coast of the Haihe River and at the mouth of the Sancha River, in the center of Tianjin. Its predecessor was the Beiyang Women's Normal School, founded by the famous modern Chinese educator Mr. Fu Zengxiang in June 1906. It is one of the earliest public higher education institutions in China. During the Xinhai Revolution and the May Fourth Movement, a large number of advanced elements emerged, including Deng Yingchao, Guo Longzhen, Liu Qingyang, Xu Guangping, and others. They established the "Enlightenment Society" and, together with male school students such as Zhou Enlai and Ma Jun, led the anti imperialist and anti feudal struggles in Tianjin at that time, composing a glorious page in modern Chinese history.

  • Tianjin University of Urban Construction

    Tianjin Urban Construction College is a general higher education institution primarily serving the urban field, founded in 1978. Over the past 30 years since its establishment, the college has experienced vigorous development, with continuous improvement in teaching quality and research level. The scale of education and social reputation have also been expanding. On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the founding of the school in 1998, Li Ruihuan, then Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and former Mayor of Tianjin, wrote an inscription for the college titled "Developing Urban Science and Cultivating Construction Talents", and in February 2002, re inscribed the name of the college. In 2007, it passed the undergraduate teaching evaluation by the Ministry of Education and was awarded the title of "Excellent School for Undergraduate Teaching Level Evaluation in Higher Education Institutions".

  • The Pearl River College of Tianjin University of Finance and Economics

    The Pearl River College of Tianjin University of Finance and Economics (hereinafter referred to as Tiancai the Pearl River College) was established in 2006 with the approval of the Ministry of Education. Tiancai the Pearl River College was jointly established by Tianjin University of Finance and Economics and Guangdong the Pearl River Investment Co., Ltd. It is a general university at the undergraduate level established according to the model and mechanism of independent college.

  • Tianjin Engineering Normal University

    Tianjin Engineering Normal University is the earliest ordinary higher normal university established in China with the main task of cultivating vocational education teachers. It was established in 1979 and was under the former Ministry of Labor of the People's Republic of China. In 2000, it was transformed into a joint construction between the central and local governments, mainly managed by Tianjin City.

  • Tianjin University of Finance and Economics

    Tianjin University of Finance and Economics is one of the earliest financial and economic universities established in New China. It is a multidisciplinary university with applied economics and business management disciplines as its backbone, and combines literature, law, science, engineering, and education as its seven interdisciplinary disciplines to achieve coordinated development.

  • Welcome to Tianjin University of Technology

    Tianjin University of Technology is a full-time higher education institution jointly built by the Ministry of Education and Tianjin City, as well as a key construction project in Tianjin City. It was awarded the Excellent Award in the first batch of undergraduate teaching evaluations by the Ministry of Education in 2003. The school has a long history, with its earliest department established in 1912. It has now become a multidisciplinary university with a focus on engineering and a combination of engineering and science, and a coordinated development of engineering, science, humanities, management, economics, and law. It has also formed a complete education system for cultivating bachelor's, master's, and doctoral students.

  • Civil Aviation University of China

    Civil Aviation University of China is a general higher education institution directly under the General Administration of Civil Aviation of China, which mainly cultivates advanced engineering and management talents. The predecessor of the school was the Second Civil Aviation School of the Civil Aviation Administration of the Military Commission established in September 1951. In December 1958, it was renamed as China Civil Aviation Advanced Aviation School, and in June 1963, it was included in the list of ordinary universities and renamed as China Civil Aviation Machinery College. On August 10, 1981, it was renamed as the China Civil Aviation University. On May 30, 2006, it was renamed as Civil Aviation University of China.

  • Welcome to the website of Tianjin Institute of Physical Education

    Tianjin Institute of Physical Education was established in August 1958. At that time, the National Sports Commission and the Ministry of Education decided to establish Tianjin Sports College in Tianjin, the capital of Hebei Province at that time, based on the development needs of sports education in North China and the shortage of sports teachers, competitive sports, and sports management talents. Li Gengtao, then Vice Governor of Hebei Province, Secretary of Tianjin Municipal Party Committee, and Mayor, also served as the first president.

  • Tianjin Conservatory of Music

    Tianjin Conservatory of Music was established on October 4, 1958. The purpose of the college is to develop and prosper the music and cultural industry, and make contributions to the construction of two civilizations. The central task of running a school is to cultivate music theory, music creation, music performance professionals, and music teachers who are both virtuous and skilled in adapting to the needs of society. Over the past forty years since its establishment, the college has trained and delivered over 4000 music talents to the country. Many graduates have become famous composers, singers, performers, outstanding music teachers, and management backbone. Among them, many have won awards in international music competitions, and a large number of graduates or students have won awards in various domestic competitions. They have made gratifying contributions to the prosperity and development of the music industry.