• North China Coal Medical College

    North China Coal Medical College is located in Tangshan City, Hebei Province. Tangshan is located in the Greater Beijing Economic Circle, bordering Yanshan in the north and Bohai Sea in the south. Tangshan, a century old coastal heavy industrial city, forms the "Golden Triangle" of economic development in the Bohai Sea Rim region with Beijing and Tianjin, 150 kilometers away from Beijing and 120 kilometers away from Tianjin. The Caofeidian Industrial Zone is located in the most economically active Bohai Rim region in northern China and has been included in the national "11th Five Year Plan" outline. The development and construction of Caofeidian Industrial Zone is a strategic support for the future development of Tangshan and a new economic growth point. Tangshan people are "rewriting the history of the coal capital with blue ideas" and making every effort to create a coastal economic uplift zone.

  • Shijiazhuang University of Economics

    Shijiazhuang School of Economics originated from Xuanhua Geological School established in 1953 and was one of the earliest schools directly under the leadership of the Ministry of Land and Resources in New China. In 1971, the school was upgraded to Hebei Institute of Geology. In June 1985, it moved to the provincial capital of Shijiazhuang, and in April 1996, the school was renamed Shijiazhuang Institute of Economics. In 2000, the management system was transformed from being managed by the Ministry of Land and Resources to being jointly built by the central and local governments, with Hebei Province as the main management center.

  • Hebei Normal University of Science and Technology - Welcome to visit!

    Hebei Normal University of Science and Technology is a provincial-level undergraduate institution with the authority to confer master's degrees. The college was founded in 1941 and began recruiting undergraduate students in 1977. In 1999, it was designated by the Ministry of Education as one of the first key construction bases for vocational teacher training in China. In 2003, it was renamed Hebei Science and Technology Normal University.

  • Hebei University of Economics and Trade

    Hebei University of Economics and Trade is one of the 10 key universities under construction in Hebei Province. It is a multi-disciplinary financial and economic university with a focus on economics, management, and law, as well as literature, science, and engineering. In 2004, I was evaluated by the Ministry of Education for my undergraduate teaching level and received an excellent award.

  • Hebei University of Technology

    Hebei University of Science and Technology is a key university in Hebei Province, located in Tangshan City, the heavy industrial base of North China. It is a multidisciplinary university with a focus on engineering and coordinated development of engineering, science, economics, management, literature, and law.

  • ·Hebei University of Science and Technology·

    Hebei University of Science and Technology is located in Shijiazhuang, the capital of Hebei Province on the eastern foot of the Taihang Mountains. It was formed in 1996 by the merger of Hebei University of Light Industry and Chemical Technology, Hebei University of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, and Hebei University of Textile Workers. It is a key interdisciplinary backbone university in Hebei Province.

  • Hebei Agricultural University

    Hebei Agricultural University was founded in 1902 and is one of the earliest higher agricultural universities in China. It is a key backbone university in Hebei Province and has gone through historical periods such as Zhili Agricultural Affairs School, Zhili Higher Agricultural School, Hebei Provincial Agricultural College, and Hebei Agricultural University. In the 1950s, during the institutional restructuring, the Forestry Department was reorganized to Beijing and participated in the establishment of Beijing Forestry University (now Beijing Forestry University); The establishment of the Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Department was adjusted to Inner Mongolia and participated in the establishment of Inner Mongolia Agriculture and Animal Husbandry College (now Inner Mongolia Agricultural University); The Water Resources Department was restructured to Wuhan and participated in the establishment of Wuhan University of Water Resources and Electric Power (predecessor of Wuhan University of Water Resources and Electric Power, now incorporated into Wuhan University).

  • Medical University

    Hebei Medical University is located in Shijiazhuang, the capital of Hebei Province. It was established in May 1995 by the merger of the former Hebei Medical College, Hebei College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Shijiazhuang Medical College. Among them, the original Hebei Medical College was the earliest established, with its predecessor being the Beiyang Medical School approved by the Qing government in 1894.

  • North China Electric Power University

    North China University of Electric Power is a key national university under the "211 Project" directly under the Ministry of Education. It is a national key university jointly built by the Ministry of Education and the school council composed of seven large power enterprise groups, including State Grid Corporation of China. The school was founded in 1958 and was originally named Beijing Electric Power College. In 1969, it moved to Hebei and later renamed North China Electric Power College. In 1978, it was approved by the State Council as a national key university. In May 1995, with the approval of the former National Education Commission, North China Electric Power University and Beijing Institute of Power Economics merged to form North China Electric Power University. The school headquarters is located in Beijing, with separate Baoding campuses and integrated management in both locations.

  • Welcome to Hebei University of Technology:

    Hebei University of Technology

  • School of Literature and Economics, Yantai University

    The School of Literature and Economics of Yantai University is a full-time undergraduate level ordinary university approved by the Ministry of Education in January 2003. In February 2004, the Ministry of Education approved the first batch of independent colleges. In January 2005, he passed the special inspection on the educational conditions and teaching work of the independent college of the Ministry of Education with excellent results. There are currently 8700 students on campus. The college is located in the central area of Yantai Higher Education Cultural District, adjacent to the sea to the north, adjacent to the main campus of Yantai University, facing China Agricultural University (Yantai Branch) to the east, Binzhou Medical College (Yantai Campus) to the west, and adjacent to Yantai Sports Park and International Exhibition Center. The climate is pleasant and the environment is beautiful. The campus is covered with lawns, lush trees, flowers, and grass, with a green area of 145000 square meters. Various precious tree species make the campus even more vibrant. The college covers an area of 680 acres, with independent and well-equipped educational conditions and comprehensive student service facilities

  • Shengli College of China University of Petroleum

    Shengli College of China University of Petroleum is a full-time undergraduate ordinary higher education institution approved by the Ministry of Education and jointly established by China University of Petroleum (East China), a directly affiliated university of the Ministry of Education, and the National Super Large Enterprise Shengli Petroleum Management Bureau. It operates according to the new educational model and operating mechanism. It is the first standardized independent college in Shandong Province to be applied for by a national key university.