Heilongjiang Tourism Vocational and Technical College

Domain: www.ljly.net

Site Name: Heilongjiang Tourism Vocational and Technical College

Site Description: There is a distinctive and influential higher vocational and technical college, Heilongjiang Tourism Vocational and Technical College, located on Xuefu Road, where there are numerous universities in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province. This college is the only public tourism higher vocational college registered by the Ministry of Education in Heilongjiang Province. Its predecessor was the Heilongjiang Tourism School, which has a history of over 40 years. Throughout its decades of academic development, the college has always adhered to the educational philosophy of "people-oriented, talent oriented, student-centered, quality oriented, employment oriented, and brand driven". With the core of cultivating students' professional abilities, the college has been building "high-quality majors, courses, and talents" to achieve the "three zero distances", namely zero distance between professional settings and market demand, zero distance between talent cultivation and employment positions Continuously exploring and practicing zero distance between training standards and enterprise employment standards, a distinctive mode of education and management has been formed.

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Category: Education and training >> Vocational education/technical secondary school

Index date: 2009-12-01 08:59:00

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