Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press Foreign Language Research Press


Site Name: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press Foreign Language Research Press

Site Description: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press is the largest university publishing house and foreign language publishing institution in China. The market share of books in languages such as English, Japanese, German, French, Russian, Korean, and Spanish ranks first, and multiple publications have won various awards. Publishing books in over 30 languages, including textbooks, teaching aids, dictionaries, academic, journal, reading materials, etc. The publishing formats include books, journals, audiovisual, electronic, online, and mobile communication. The products cover various levels of readership including early childhood, primary school, secondary school, university, graduate school, adult education, and lifelong education. At the same time, training and discussion activities will be conducted for children's English teachers, primary and secondary school English teachers, and university English teachers, various national English competitions will be organized, and investment will be made to hold an international seminar on English teaching in China.

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Category: Education and training >> Foreign Language/English/Japanese/French

Index date: 2009-12-23 09:56:00

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