• Is it reasonable to say, 'Is life long or not, look down at your feet?' Why look at your feet? - stress relief tips for teachers

    Before reading this article, thank you for clicking 'Follow', which not only provides a great experience but also a different sense of participation. Thank you for your attention!Common sayings are a precious treasure of cultural inheritance, which are the crystallization of wisdom and experience passed down from generation to generation over time

  • What are the three virtualities? How to adjust it? - improving skin firmness tips

    In my years of medical practice, I have encountered various patients, and each of their cases is like a page by page story, forming the thick and heavy foundation of my career. Among them, a middle-aged patient named Mr

  • Tips for preventing falls for the elderly: do these 6 things well and teach you how to be an elderly "tumbler" - acne prone oily skin daily care

    Falls are a common health problem among elderly people. About 30% of elderly people over 65 years old experience falls every year, and the incidence of falls increases with age

  • Two small ways to alleviate "gastroesophageal reflux" are really cost-effective! - elastin-boosting skincare tips

    Gastric acid reflux is like a "venom", where it flows, problems will arise.lifestyle changes for skin firmnessIf reflux reaches the throat, it can cause discomfort, foreign body sensation, and even lead toHoarse voice, repeated coughing, causing asthma

  • The magical Huizong acupoint, a traditional Chinese medicine ear opening acupoint, can treat tinnitus and deafness, and is worth learning about - lifestyle tips for youthful skin

    Today, I would like to share with you a traditional Chinese medicine acupoint for treating tinnitus and deafness. It is the magical Huizong acupoint, which is the acupoint where the meridians and qi converge

  • Why do elderly people often sleep in separate beds? The doctor once again advises that sleeping in separate beds has these two drawbacks - mental clarity tips for academic success

    Wen | Da Wenrelaxation techniques for memory boostEditor | Wuanmental clarity tips for academic successfollowIt not only facilitates your discussion and sharing, but also brings you a different sense of participation. Thank you for your support

  • Feeling stressed as soon as you start working? 5 Tips for Actively Dealing with 'Occupational Stress'

    Source: [People's Health Network]Editor's note: After the short and long vacation, people are back into their busy work. Faced with work tasks, some people feel listless, unable to interest themselves in anything they do, anxious, depressed, frequently making mistakes in their work, and even experiencing endocrine disorders, cardiovascular diseases, etc

  • FM Green Bag Helping | Autumn Dew is gradually getting heavier, and winter dew needs to understand these health tips

    Come and listen!Cold Dew Audio. mp34:00From the Chinese military vesselA curly and cool breezeA desolate and cold dewCold Dew is one of the 24 solar termsThe earliest solar term that mentioned the word "cold"Although it has the same "dew" as Bai Lu not long agoBut it's completely differentMid Autumn White Dew Solar Term "Dew Coagulation and White"The autumn dew isThe dew is cold and will condense into frostCold Dew SeasonIt's a transition from cool to cold climateThe humidity in the air also decreases accordinglyReflecting the characteristics of coolness and drynessAt this moment, dryness and evil are in commandEasy to damage lungs and stomachThe key points of health preservation during this period areNourishing Yin and Preventing DrynessCold Dew TonicReduce bitterness, increase acidity, moisten the lungs, and prevent drynessIn the golden autumn seasonDry Qi DanglingA dry climate can easily lead to "lung fire"Eat more foods that nourish yin, moisten the lungs, and prevent drynessSuch as lilies, tremella, lotus seeds, pumpkins, etcAutumn health preservation should be "harvested" rather than "scattered"Eating acid helps to regulate lung qiYou can eat some sour fruits and vegetables appropriatelyLike oranges, lemons, pomegranates, tomatoesSeasonal fruits and vegetables such as black plums and grapesSweet with sour tasteCapable of protecting the lungsIt can also enhance liver functionIn the "Traditional Chinese Medicine Diet" section, we introduceThe Four Qi and Five Flavors of Traditional Chinese MedicineSpicy taste enters the lungs, sour taste enters the liverEat less spicy and stimulating foods in autumnFried and smoked foodsLike chili peppers, Chinese prickly peppers, and cinnamonGinger, scallions, wine, etcIt is advisable to eat less or not to eatBy reducing painOne can prevent excessive lung qiTwo can prevent dryness from damaging the lungsConsuming Yin Damage LiquidCold Dew Disease PreventionProtecting the shoulder and neckCombination of external application and dietary therapyCold Dew SeasonCold air often invadesAnd cold is an important trigger for the onset of shoulder periarthritisSuffering from wind and cold on the neck and shouldersMay cause congestion and swelling of the shoulder soft tissueContracture of shoulder tissueInflammation of the synovial membrane of the shoulder jointCauses limited shoulder joint movementPain at the slightest movementthereforeCold Dew SeasonKeep warmPrevention of shoulder periarthritisPreventive methodstherapeutic methodGinger taro paste for external applicationSangzhi Chicken SoupCold Dew EmotionIn autumn, everything is sluggish and the sunshine time is shortened, often adding a touch of sadness to people

  • Can't sleep after the holiday? Poor mood? 5 tips to improve discomfort and help you quickly enter a working state

    The National Day holiday is about to pass, and post holiday syndrome has become a concern for everyone.Wang Xiangsheng, the chief physician of Jining Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital in Shandong Province, introduced that during long holidays, many people may stay up late, overeat, and other situations, resulting in disrupted sleep and dietary patterns, leading to some gastrointestinal symptoms, sleep disorders, mental anxiety and other post-holiday syndrome symptoms
