Yunnan Agricultural Vocational and Technical College


Site Name: Yunnan Agricultural Vocational and Technical College

Site Description: Yunnan Agricultural Vocational and Technical College is a public full-time ordinary higher education institution approved by the Yunnan Provincial People's Government and qualified for higher education. It is open to enrollment nationwide. The college has a long history of education. It was founded in the 30th year of the Guangxu reign of the Qing Dynasty (1904 AD) at the Yunnan Silkworm Academy, which pioneered vocational education in Yunnan. Currently, it mainly focuses on animal husbandry and veterinary medicine, agriculture, and landscape architecture majors, with both computer application and economic management majors, and cultivates high-level technical applied specialized talents.

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Category: social sciences >> Rural research

Index date: 2009-11-10 10:51:00

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