Maanshan Teacher's College


Site Name: Maanshan Teacher's College

Site Description: Ma'anshan Teachers College, founded in 1958, is a national advanced teachers' college, a national exemplary organization in language work, a provincial exemplary organization in art education, and the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth civilized unit in Anhui Province. In history, our school has changed its location several times. From 1971 to 2003, it was located at No. 60 Hudong Middle Road, Ma'anshan City. In August 2003, it was relocated to its current location - No. 369 Hudong South Road, Ma'anshan City. It is located in the Chengnan New District of Ma'anshan City, covering an area of 300 acres, with an additional reserved land of 350 acres. Approved by the Ministry of Education, the school was upgraded to Ma'anshan Teachers' College in May 2004. Over the past fifty years, the school has trained and trained over 10000 qualified talents for the country, forming a comprehensive development and education pattern that combines teacher education and non teacher education, pre service education and post service education, full-time education and adult higher education, and independent development with foreign cooperation. At present, there are nearly 7000 full-time students on campus, with 35 majors.

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Category: social sciences >> education

Index date: 2009-11-16 09:56:00

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