Zhangye Intermediate People's Court website

Domain: zyzy.chinacourt.org

Site Name: Zhangye Intermediate People's Court website

Site Description: In recent years, under the leadership, supervision, guidance and support of the Municipal Party Committee, the People's Congress, the government, the CPPCC and the superior courts, the Zhangye Intermediate People's Court has adhered to the work theme of "fairness and efficiency", earnestly implemented the guiding ideology of "fair justice, one heart for the people", focused on the overall situation of the city's economic construction, made every effort to do a good job in the trial and implementation, vigorously strengthened the team building, and constantly deepened the reform of the courts, Successfully completed various trial tasks. Since 2002, it has been successively rated as "Advanced Collective of Party Conduct and Clean Government Construction of Provincial Courts", "exemplary organization of Provincial Court Education and Training", "Advanced Collective of National Court Implementation Work", "Advanced Collective of systematics of Politics and Law Education Activities in the City", and "Advanced Collective of Provincial Court Administrative Trials".

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Website Data: SEO > zyzy.chinacourt.org Whois > zyzy.chinacourt.org Geographic location

Category: Politics/Law/Military >> Classification by region

Index date: 2010-01-14 08:56:00

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