Hebei Normal University

Domain: www1.hebtu.edu.cn

Site Name: Hebei Normal University

Site Description: Hebei Normal University is a provincial-level key university with a century old history and glorious tradition. The school originated from Shuntianfu School, founded in Beijing in 1902, and Beiyang Women's Normal School, founded in Tianjin in 1906. In June 1996, the former Hebei Normal University and Hebei Normal College merged with the Hebei Education College founded in 1952 and the Hebei Vocational and Technical Normal College founded in 1984 to form the new Hebei Normal University. It is one of the earliest and currently larger higher normal colleges established in China. Among the alumni are the older generation revolutionaries Deng Yingchao, Liu Qingyang, Guo Longzhen, Yang Xiufeng, Kang Shien, Rong Gaotang, etc., academic celebrities Liang Shuming, Zhang Shenfu, Tang Yongtong, etc., academicians Yan Luguang, Hao Bolin, etc., as well as a group of sports elites such as Xu Shaofa and Cai Zhenhua. Since the establishment of the People's Republic of China, the school has trained more than 180000 professional talents for the country.

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Category: Education and training >> Education/Research

Index date: 2009-11-25 08:54:00

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