Welcome to Yanshan University

Domain: www.ysu.edu.cn

Site Name: Welcome to Yanshan University

Site Description: Yanshan University originated from Harbin Institute of Technology and was founded in 1920. In 1958, the Heavy Machinery Department and related majors of Harbin Institute of Technology were relocated to the industrial town of Fularji District, Qiqihar City, and the Heavy Machinery College of Harbin Institute of Technology was established. In 1960, it was independently established and named Northeast Heavy Machinery College. In 1978, it was designated as a national key higher education institution. From 1985 to 1997, the school moved south to Qinhuangdao City as a whole. In January 1997, with the approval of the former National Education Commission, it was renamed Yanshan University. In 1998, it was transferred from the former Ministry of Machinery Industry to Hebei Province and implemented joint construction between the central and local governments, with Hebei Province as the main management.

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Category: Education and training >> Higher Education

Index date: 2009-11-25 08:51:00

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