Welcome to Yancheng Normal University!

Domain: www.yctc.edu.cn

Site Name: Welcome to Yancheng Normal University!

Site Description: Yancheng Normal University is a provincial-level higher normal undergraduate institution located in the open coastal city of Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province. In March 1999, with the approval of the Ministry of Education, the original Yancheng Normal College and Yancheng Education College were merged and established. In 2002, the former Yancheng Commercial School, a national key vocational school founded in 1958, was merged into a normal college.

Server IP: www.yctc.edu.cnGeographic location

Website Data: SEO > www.yctc.edu.cn Whois > www.yctc.edu.cn Geographic location

Category: social sciences >> education

Index date: 2009-11-11 09:22:00

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