Wuhan Conservatory of Music

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Site Name: Wuhan Conservatory of Music

Site Description: Wuhan Conservatory of Music is a higher music institution with a complete range of disciplines and outstanding educational characteristics in the central southern region. She is located on Jiefang Road, the busiest section of Wuchang, facing the Red Tower of the Xinhai Shouyi Memorial Hall to the east, the Yangtze River to the west, and the Yellow Crane Tower and Yangtze River Bridge to the north. The courtyard is shaded by green trees, with a gentle breeze and waves blowing on the lake, and music swirling everywhere. The college has a long history, and the campus is the former site of Wuchang Lianghu Academy. Her predecessor can be traced back to the Wuchang Art College founded in 1920. Established the School of Literature and Art at Zhongyuan University in 1949; In 1951, it was renamed as Central South Conservatory of Music; In 1958, it was renamed as Hubei Academy of Arts. In 1985, it was named Wuhan Conservatory of Music.

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Category: social sciences >> University Department/College

Index date: 2009-11-17 09:47:00

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