Wendeng Education

Domain: www.wendeng.com.cn

Site Name: Wendeng Education

Site Description: Beijing Wendeng Training School is renowned in the capital and throughout the country for its high-quality, high-level, and highly reputable guiding ideology, rigorous educational model, and excellent teaching results. Among the national postgraduate entrance examination tutoring schools, Wendeng School has always stood out and become the flagship of national postgraduate entrance examination tutoring. Wendeng School is like a golden key, opening the door for candidates to obtain high scores. Since 2000, the top scorers in the Mathematics, Literature, and Science subjects of the postgraduate entrance examination have all come from our school for nine consecutive years, receiving praise and high praise from a large number of candidates.

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Category: Education and training >> Exam/Enrollment

Index date: 2009-12-25 09:06:00

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