Sun Yat sen University


Site Name: Sun Yat sen University

Site Description: Sun Yat sen University is a comprehensive key university founded by Mr. Sun Yat sen himself, with a tradition of over a hundred years of education. Today's Sun Yat sen University was formed by the merger of Sun Yat sen University and Sun Yat sen Medical University, which were established after the department adjustment in 1952. In 1835, Dr. Bojia from the United States established a medical bureau in Guangzhou, cultivating the earliest Western medicine doctors in China. On this basis, Boji Hospital was established, and in 1866, a medical school was established, which was the earliest medical specialized education institution in China; In 1888, the Gezhi Academy, established by Americans, opened in Guangzhou and later developed into a private Lingnan University. Boji Hospital and its affiliated medical school became the School of Medicine of Lingnan University. The Boji Medical School and Gezhi Academy opened the precedent of modern Western education in China.

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Category: social sciences >> University Department/College

Index date: 2009-11-03 08:40:00

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