--Shanxi Normal University -2009 New Edition--

Domain: www.sxnu.edu.cn

Site Name: --Shanxi Normal University -2009 New Edition--

Site Description: Shanxi Normal University is located in Linfen City, Shanxi, one of the birthplaces of the Chinese nation. It was founded in 1958 and renamed Shanxi Normal University in 1984. In the past 50 years since its establishment, the school has adhered to the educational philosophy of "putting education first and advocating academia", and has taken it as its own responsibility to cultivate various talents for the economic, social, cultural, and educational development of Shanxi based on Shanxi. It has adhered to the educational philosophy of giving priority to teacher education and comprehensive development, and has delivered more than 100000 talents of various types, mainly basic education teachers, to society, making important contributions to the education, economic, and social development of Shanxi.

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Category: Education and training >> Education/Research

Index date: 2009-11-23 10:54:00

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