Southwest Forestry University


Site Name: Southwest Forestry University

Site Description: Southwest Forestry University began in the Forestry Department of Yunnan University in 1939, and has gone through Kunming Agricultural and Forestry University, Yunnan Forestry University, Yunnan Forestry University, and Southwest Forestry University. It was established independently in 1978 and was originally a directly affiliated institution of the Ministry of Forestry. In 2000, during the adjustment of the national higher education layout structure, it was adjusted from a university directly under the National Forestry Bureau to a higher education institution that is "jointly built by the province and managed by the province". With 70 years of educational experience and 30 years of independent education, it is currently the only independent higher forestry undergraduate institution in western China. The campus is located in Kunming City, Yunnan Province, and is known as the "Provincial Excellent Greening University", "National Advanced Greening Collective", and "National Greening Model Unit".

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Category: social sciences >> Environmental research

Index date: 2009-11-10 10:45:00

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