Welcome to Shijiazhuang Railway College

Domain: www.sjzri.edu.cn

Site Name: Welcome to Shijiazhuang Railway College

Site Description: Shijiazhuang Railway University is a university with a focus on engineering and coordinated development of multiple disciplines such as humanities, science, economics, and management. It is under the jurisdiction of Hebei Province, jointly built by the central and local governments, and mainly managed by Hebei Province. The college was founded in 1950, formerly known as the Railway Corps Engineering College of the People's Liberation Army of China. It was a national key higher education institution at that time, and was one of the first batch of newly admitted units and the first batch of engineering bachelor's degree awarding units in military academies. In 1984, it was merged into the Ministry of Railways and renamed Shijiazhuang Railway College. In 2000, it was transferred to Hebei Province and listed as a key backbone university in Hebei Province.

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Category: social sciences >> University Department/College

Index date: 2009-11-25 09:30:00

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