Inner Mongolia University


Site Name: Inner Mongolia University

Site Description: Inner Mongolia University, located in Hohhot, the capital of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, was founded in 1957. It is the first comprehensive university established in minority areas after the founding of New China. It has four campuses, covering an area of 1.71 million square meters. In 1978, it was established as a national key university, and in 1997, it was listed as one of the 100 key universities under the national "211 Project". In 2004, it became a jointly built school by the People's Government of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and the Ministry of Education. The first president was concurrently held by Wu Lanfu, then the Vice Premier of the State Council and the President of the Autonomous Region. Li Jidong, a member of the academic department of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a famous biologist and professor of Peking University, came to the university to teach and served as the vice president at the beginning of its establishment. The former president is Xu Rigan, vice president and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. The current principal is the Vice Chairman of the People's Government of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.

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Category: Education and training >> Higher Education

Index date: 2009-11-23 09:09:00

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