Hunan Urban Vocational College


Site Name: Hunan Urban Vocational College

Site Description: Hunan Urban Vocational College is a full-time vocational ordinary higher education institution approved by the Hunan Provincial People's Government and registered by the Ministry of Education. The college mainly focuses on science and engineering, and also offers comprehensive colleges with distinctive liberal arts majors. The college's floor area, building area, teaching and other facilities, as well as equipment and teaching staff, all meet the standards of the Ministry of Education of China. The library has a collection of over 200000 books and over 520 types of newspapers and magazines. We have over thirty experimental and training rooms, including campus printing factories, mold factories, CNC molds, fitter skills welding, electronic technology, digital circuits, analog circuits, electricians, language, physical education, academic lecture halls, and multimedia.

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Website Data: SEO > Whois > Geographic location

Category: social sciences >> Urban research

Index date: 2009-11-09 16:23:00

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