Beijing Institute of Technology


Site Name: Beijing Institute of Technology

Site Description: Belonging to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Beijing University of Technology is a national key university focusing on science and engineering, with the coordinated development of engineering, science and culture. It is one of the key universities in the national history after the founding of the People's Republic of China, one of the first universities to set up graduate schools, and one of the first universities to enter the ranks of "211 Project" and "Project 985". Her predecessor was the Yan'an Academy of Natural Sciences, founded in 1940, and the first university of science and engineering founded by the CPC. In 1943, the school was merged into Yan'an University. In 1946, it was renamed as the Shanxi Chahar Hebei Border Area Industrial School. In 1948, it was merged with the Engineering College of North China University to establish the Engineering College of North China University. In 1949, it moved to Beijing. In 1950, the headquarters of Sino French University and the three departments of mathematics, physics and chemistry were merged, In 1951, the Ministry of Education of the Central People's Government renamed the Engineering College of North China University as Beijing Institute of Technology, and in 1988, it was renamed as Beijing University of Technology. In 2001, the school party committee was awarded the title of National Advanced Grassroots Party Organization in Higher Education Institutions. In 2007, the school passed the undergraduate teaching level evaluation of the Ministry of Education with excellent results in all 19 educational indicators.

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Index date: 2009-11-27 09:29:00

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