Aba Teachers College

Domain: www.abtc.sc.cn

Site Name: Aba Teachers College

Site Description: Aba Teacher's College is a provincial full-time teacher's college established with the approval of the State Council in 1978. The school covers an area of 360 acres (including 100 acres rented), has a collection of 554000 books, a total construction area of 147000 square meters, and has nearly 7000 students. There are currently 326 faculty members, including 202 full-time teachers and 2 foreign teachers hired. The school has 9 teachers with senior professional and technical titles, 81 teachers with deputy senior professional and technical titles, 47 teachers with graduate education or above, and employs 17 well-known experts from the province as visiting professors. Over the past 30 years since its establishment, the school has trained and delivered over 17000 talents of various types to the country and society.

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Website Data: SEO > www.abtc.sc.cn Whois > www.abtc.sc.cn Geographic location

Category: Education and training >> Education/Research

Index date: 2009-11-18 11:41:00

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