Hubei Court Network


Site Name: Hubei Court Network

Site Description: The Higher People's Court of Hubei Province is the highest judicial organ in Hubei Province. Its superior court is the Supreme People's Court of the People's Republic of China. Our provincial courts are divided into three levels: one provincial higher people's court; 14 intermediate people's courts in cities and prefectures; One special court (Wuhan Maritime Court); There are 107 grassroots people's courts in counties (cities) and cities. There are a total of 123 tertiary courts. 938 circuit courts are also dispatched to the grassroots courts, which are an integral part of the grassroots courts and make decisions based on the judgments of the grassroots courts. The people's courts at all levels in our province handle economic, criminal, civil, administrative, and enforcement cases with an average annual rate of over 400000. Among them, civil and commercial cases account for over 80%. Judges in our country are divided into four categories and 12 levels. There is currently one second level chief justice, 170 senior judges, and thousands of ordinary judges in Hubei Province. In addition, there are administrative officials, clerks, and judicial police. At present, a considerable proportion of our judges hold a Master's or Doctoral degree in Law and have participated in international judicial exchanges and cooperation. In recent years, the judicial facilities of Hubei courts have developed rapidly, and the popularity of computers has significantly increased. Some courts have achieved computerized management of case handling processes. A batch of modern trial office buildings have been completed and put into use.

Server IP: hubeigy.chinacourt.orgGeographic location

Website Data: SEO > Whois > Geographic location

Category: Politics/Law/Military >> Classification by region

Index date: 2010-01-14 09:17:00

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