17hr Human Resources Forum - China's largest human resources forum, the most professional human resources forum in China, and the human resources community - poweredbyiscuz!

Domain: bbs.17hr.com

Site Name: 17hr Human Resources Forum - China's largest human resources forum, the most professional human resources forum in China, and the human resources community - poweredbyiscuz!

Site Description: 17hr Human Resources Forum 17hr Human Resources Forum is the largest HR forum in China, providing professional information, knowledge base, case base, tool table downloads for human resources management, as well as personnel and labor regulations and workplace dynamics. It is a professional human resources management forum

Server IP: bbs.17hr.comGeographic location

Website Data: SEO > bbs.17hr.com Whois > bbs.17hr.com Geographic location

Category: Business and Economics >> occupation

Index date: 2010-01-07 09:20:00

17hr Human Resources Forum - China's largest human resources forum, the most professional human resources forum in China, and the human resources community - poweredbyiscuz! thumbnail
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