69-Year-Old Man Dies Suddenly from Stroke: Four Easily Overlooked Winter Health Hazards
69-Year-Old Man Dies Suddenly from Stroke: Four Easily Overlooked Winter Health HazardsTragedy often strikes without warning. 69-year-old Mr
Spleen Deficiency and Water Intake: Three Major Hazards of Excessive Water Consumption and Treatment Methods
Spleen Deficiency and Water Intake: Three Major Hazards of Excessive Water Consumption and Treatment MethodsHave you ever wondered why, despite drinking water regularly, you still feel bloated and fatigued? Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) often attributes such discomfort to "spleen deficiency" (Pi Xu). In fact, spleen deficiency is closely related to water intake, and for individuals with this constitution, excessive water consumption can exacerbate health problems
Are there any hazards to not eating staple foods for a long time? After reading it, I understand
In our daily dietStaple foods such as rice and noodlesit is essential that"Eating too much staple food is the culprit of obesity and diabetes"This statement has been increasing recentlythatHow should we scientifically eat staple foods?The editor will take everyone to learn more!oneLong term abstinence from staple foodsWhat are the hazards?On March 5, two0twothree, researchers from St. Paul's Hospital in Canada and the University of British Columbia presented a new study at the annual scientific conference of the American College of Cardiology and the World Congress of Cardiology