Walking can lower blood sugar, and it is important to remember these points to make your blood sugar more stable!

Some sugar enthusiasts say that they are busy with their studies or work and don't have time to exercise. So, how can I lower blood sugar? Today, I will teach you a way to lower blood sugar by walking

Some sugar enthusiasts say that they are busy with their studies or work and don't have time to exercise. So, how can I lower blood sugar? Today, I will teach you a way to lower blood sugar by walking.

Firstly, how do you get there?

Generally speaking, we advocate fast walking and brisk walking, as it consumes more energy and involves more muscles. Walking slowly may consume less energy, but walking leisurely with one hand on your back may not achieve the effect of exercise. We advocate adhering to effective post meal exercise. So first, choose a moderate intensity walking style of brisk walking, which is very beneficial for controlling postprandial blood sugar.

Secondly, how long does it usually take?

We need to walk for a certain amount of time. For example, if I don't walk for a few minutes, I'll go do something else. Stop, and then I'll walk for a few more minutes. This adds up to walking 7000 to 10000 steps, which is also not feasible. If you stop walking, it won't consume much blood sugar.

Generally, after walking for 20-30 minutes, the glucose in the blood begins to be consumed, and the effect of lowering blood sugar gradually begins to show. Maintain 2-3 walks per day, preferably walking more than 100 steps per minute, lasting for about 30 minutes each time. This form of exercise not only consumes excess blood sugar in the body, but also strengthens muscles, increases insulin sensitivity, and allows insulin in our body to better interact with receptors, thus allowing blood sugar to lower more effectively.

Thirdly, to what extent?

Walking is also a sport, but it also requires intensity and we need to have a certain plan. If we only walk a few hundred steps a day, it may be equivalent to not walking and not having enough activity. So how many steps should I take every day? To what extent is it better to go?

On the basis of walking in our daily life, we take 5000-6000 steps. Generally speaking, when our body begins to sweat slightly, our breathing increases slightly, or there is a slight wheezing, we feel that there is no problem speaking at this time, but singing feels more difficult. After resting, we feel energetic, which is more suitable. This level is beneficial for controlling blood sugar, while not damaging the knee and not causing any other adverse reactions.

Fourth, when will we leave?

It is not recommended to start walking on an empty stomach or immediately after meals. It is generally recommended to start exercising 30 to 60 minutes after meals, that is, to put down the dishes and time it for 30 to 60 minutes before exercising. During this period, the blood sugar in the body is at its peak, which helps to lower blood sugar and also prevents the occurrence of hypoglycemia.

Be careful to walk with a large stride, arms thrown away, and stride forward with your head held high. If you feel tired during the brisk walk, you can also slow down appropriately and walk slowly for 3-5 minutes before continuing the brisk walk. For sugar enthusiasts who exercise very little in their daily lives, it is important to gradually increase their activity levels. After all, safety is still the top priority, as everyone's physical fitness is different, and what suits them is the best.

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