What should elderly people do to nourish their stomachs daily? Listen to the advice of a gastroenterologist

The stomach is an important digestive organ in the human body, but with age, its function gradually decreases, so many elderly people's digestive function is much worse than that of young people. The stomach is like a container that carries food

The stomach is an important digestive organ in the human body, but with age, its function gradually decreases, so many elderly people's digestive function is much worse than that of young people. The stomach is like a container that carries food. Once there is a problem with the stomach, it can hinder the digestion and absorption of food, thereby affecting overall health. So, how should elderly people nourish their stomachs? Below, the gastroenterologists from Changsha Dongda Proctology Hospital will give you advice.

1. Regular diet

Elderly people have weak digestive ability and can adopt a small number of multiple meals in their daily diet. Dividing the normal three meals into 4-5 meals can reduce the burden on the stomach and facilitate digestion and absorption.

2. Ensure balanced nutrition

The daily diet of elderly people should be diversified, paying attention to the combination of meat and vegetables and the combination of thickness and fineness. In terms of food selection, it is recommended to prioritize nutritious and easily digestible foods, and avoid or reduce spicy and stimulating foods to avoid damaging the gastric mucosa.

3. Pay attention to dietary hygiene

Elderly people should pay attention to eating more fresh and hygienic food in their daily lives. They should not be afraid of waste and consume spoiled, spoiled, or expired food. They should also try to eat as little leftover food as possible. At the same time, try not to share tableware with others in daily diet to avoid causing Helicobacter pylori infection.

4. Pay attention to climate change

Elderly people have weaker resistance compared to young people. They should pay attention to the temperature of the climate and increase their clothing in a timely manner. When sleeping at night, they should cover themselves with blankets to prevent the stomach from getting cold and causing discomfort.

5. Avoid mental stress

Psychological factors can also have an impact on gastrointestinal function. Elderly people should pay attention to relaxing their mood, maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, and try to avoid negative emotions such as anxiety, tension, and irritability.

6. Reasonable use of drugs

Elderly people should follow the doctor's advice when using medication, take it in the prescribed amount on time, and do not adjust the dosage or duration of medication without permission to avoid irritation or damage to the gastric mucosa.

7. Persist in moderate exercise

Moderate exercise is beneficial for promoting gastrointestinal peristalsis, enhancing immunity, and alleviating stomach discomfort. Elderly people can choose suitable exercise methods based on their physical condition, such as walking, jogging, Tai Chi, etc.

Changsha Dongda Proctology Hospital reminds that in addition, elderly people can also undergo regular gastroscopy examinations to timely detect and treat stomach problems, thereby maintaining a healthy stomach. (Correspondent Shu Li)

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