Dajie. com, the most advanced interactive platform for job hunting for college students in China
Domain: www.dajie.com
Site Name: Dajie. com, the most advanced interactive platform for job hunting for college students in China
Site Description: Dajie Network is based on the real name system and is committed to creating a real, efficient, and interactive job search/recruitment platform for users. Dajie Network innovatively applies traditional SNS to the recruitment field, providing users with real, accurate, efficient, and reliable two-way matchmaking services under Web2.0, allowing users' time and relationships to settle on the internet and create effective GDP, leading the entire recruitment industry towards a highly accurate and efficient value revolution.
Server IP: location
Website Data: SEO > www.dajie.com Whois > www.dajie.com Geographic location
Category: Business and Economics >> Talent/Recruitment
Index date: 2009-12-08 13:56:00