Nanjing University of Technology


Site Name: Nanjing University of Technology

Site Description: Nanjing University of Technology has a hundred year history of education and is a multidisciplinary university with a focus on engineering. It was formed in 2001 by the merger of the former Nanjing University of Chemical Technology and the former Nanjing Institute of Architecture and Engineering. It is a key construction university in Jiangsu Province. The university has 25 colleges (departments), 1 national first level key discipline, 2 national key discipline cultivation points, 1 provincial first level key discipline, 8 provincial second level key disciplines, 4 post doctoral research mobile stations, 2 first level discipline doctoral degree awarding points, 21 second level discipline doctoral degree awarding points, 55 master's degree awarding points, 16 Master of Engineering master's awarding fields, 67 undergraduate majors, cross engineering, science, management, economics, literature, law, philosophy There are 8 disciplines in medicine. Having the qualifications for international student enrollment and the authority to approve professors.

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Website Data: SEO > Whois > Geographic location

Category: social sciences >> University Department/College

Index date: 2009-11-11 09:00:00

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