Welcome to Talent | Recruitment | Job Search | Headhunting | Training | Southern Talent Network!

Domain: www.job168.com

Site Name: Welcome to Talent | Recruitment | Job Search | Headhunting | Training | Southern Talent Network!

Site Description: Job168.com is the largest and most professional regional talent market in China - the only human resources professional website under the South China Talent Market. The only domain name of the South China Talent Network is job168.com, and all other domains are counterfeit. Please recognize the brand. Enterprise recruitment hotline [020 8558582185597575], job search hotline [020 85597251]

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Website Data: SEO > www.job168.com Whois > www.job168.com Geographic location

Category: Business and Economics >> Talent/Recruitment

Index date: 2009-12-08 11:46:00

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