Jiangsu Maritime Institute

Domain: www.jmi.edu.cn

Site Name: Jiangsu Maritime Institute

Site Description: Jiangsu Maritime Vocational and Technical College is a full-time regular higher education institution established by the merger of Nanjing Maritime School and Nanjing Maritime School with the approval of the Jiangsu Provincial People's Government in July 2003. The college is affiliated with the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education and mainly cultivates higher vocational and technical talents such as ocean ship driving, ocean ship engine management, international transportation management, port management, international trade, ship manufacturing, computer information technology, and business English. The educational system mainly consists of a three-year junior college after high school and a four-year dual college after high school, supplemented by a five-year vocational college after junior high school. Adult higher education includes academic education, crew training, vocational skills training, and other non academic education. The college has a history of 55 years of education and has trained over 100000 shipping talents, making important contributions to the shipping industry of our country and can be regarded as the cradle of shipping talents.

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Category: social sciences >> University Department/College

Index date: 2009-11-11 09:37:00

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