Jilin Institute of Physical Education: jlty: www.jlty.com.cn

Domain: www.jlty.com.cn

Site Name: Jilin Institute of Physical Education: jlty: www.jlty.com.cn

Site Description: Jilin Institute of Physical Education was founded in 1958. The college is a new type of sports institution that integrates education, sports, scientific research, and enterprise. After several generations of exploration, it has been thriving day by day, with over a hundred national champions in the education world. In recent years, the Party Committee of the college has led the entire faculty, students, and staff to reform and achieve leapfrog development. It has created a new situation in the fields of educational philosophy, infrastructure construction, educational scale, institutional innovation, teaching reform, and other fields, and has embarked on a new path of education that has international influence and domestic characteristics. It has made outstanding contributions to the sports industry in Jilin Province and even the country.

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Category: social sciences >> University Department/College

Index date: 2009-11-30 09:16:00

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