hengyang normal university

Domain: www.hynu.edu.cn

Site Name: hengyang normal university

Site Description: Hengyang Normal University is an ordinary full-time public undergraduate institution directly under Hunan Province. The predecessor of the college can be traced back to the Hunan Guanli South Road Normal School in 1904. Hengyang Normal College, established in 1958, is one of the oldest teacher colleges in China. In March 1999, with the approval of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, Hengyang Normal College was upgraded to Hengyang Normal College by merging with the former Hengyang Education College. In February 2001, the former Hunan Third Division was merged. The college adheres to the school motto of "virtue, erudition, ambition, and dedication", and always adheres to the educational philosophy of establishing a school with quality, strengthening the school with talents, and revitalizing the school with characteristics. It is a "civilized university", "civilized health unit", "garden style unit", and "civilized window unit" in Hunan Province. The college was also rated as the national "Model Workers' Home" and the national "exemplary organization for Social Practice Activities of College Students".

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Category: social sciences >> education

Index date: 2009-11-09 15:32:00

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