Changchun Institute of Taxation


Site Name: Changchun Institute of Taxation

Site Description: Changchun Taxation College is a key university in Jilin Province, jointly built by the Jilin Provincial People's Government and the State Administration of Taxation. The school started as a training class for bank cadres held by the head office of Northeast Bank in July 1946; In September 1950, Northeast Bank Special School was established, which was the first financial higher education institution established in New China. Jilin University of Finance and Trade was established in September 1958, which is one of the earliest regular undergraduate finance and economics colleges established in the country. In May 1992, it was renamed Changchun Taxation College and is the first and currently the only undergraduate tax university in the country. The school was once under the jurisdiction of the head office of Northeast Bank, the People's Bank of China, and the State Administration of Taxation. In 2000, it was transferred to the People's Government of Jilin Province. I have successively run schools in Jiamusi City, Harbin City, Shenyang City, and other cities. In July 1950, I moved to Changchun City and now my school is located at 3699 Jingyue Street, Changchun City.

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Category: social sciences >> University Department/College

Index date: 2009-11-30 09:03:00

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