• Welcome to Jilin Transportation Vocational and Technical College!

    The predecessor of Jilin Jiaotong Vocational and Technical College was Jilin Jiaotong School, founded in 1958. In 1998, Jilin Jiaotong School merged with Jilin Jiaotong Workers' University to establish Jilin Jiaotong Vocational and Technical College. It is the first independent vocational and technical college in Jilin Province and also one of the earliest independent vocational and technical colleges established in China. In 2000, the affiliation was transferred from the Jilin Provincial Department of Transportation to the Jilin Provincial Department of Education. In 2001, it was rated by the Ministry of Education as one of the 31 demonstrative vocational and technical colleges in China. In 2005, it was awarded the honorary title of "exemplary organization of Provincial Vocational Education" by the provincial government. In 2006, it passed the talent training level assessment of higher vocational colleges with excellent grades. In 2007, it was approved as a key demonstrative higher vocational college in Jilin Province.

  • Changchun Vocational and Technical College: cvt: www.cvit.com.cn

    Changchun Vocational and Technical College is a public comprehensive vocational and technical college approved by the Jilin Provincial Government and qualified for higher education enrollment. The college covers an area of 578 acres, with a building area of 250000 square meters, 790 faculty members, and 7300 full-time vocational students.

  • Welcome to the website of Changchun Automotive Industry College

    Changchun Automobile Industry College is an ordinary higher education institution approved by the Ministry of Education and funded by China First Automobile Group Corporation. In 2006, the school was included in the first batch of national demonstration higher vocational college construction projects, becoming the first national "211" vocational college in Jilin Province.

  • Jilin Industrial Vocational and Technical College

    Located in Jilin City, a northern city with the beauty of Changbai and the beauty of rime, is a national vocational demonstration construction college - Jilin Industrial Vocational and Technical College. The college was founded in Changchun in 1950 and was named "Jilin Provincial Industrial College"; In 1953, it moved to the then provincial capital Jilin City. In order to adapt to the urgent need for chemical talents in the national key construction project and the first large-scale chemical industry base in China - Jilin Chemical Industry Company, it was renamed "Jilin Chemical Industry School of Jilin Province"; In 1959, Jilin Chemical Industry Park was successively put into operation and expanded, urgently needing to cultivate a large number of high-level professional talents. The school was then upgraded to "Jilin Chemical Industry Vocational School", and later went through stages such as "Jilin Provincial Petrochemical School" and "Jilin Chemical Industry School"; In 1999, it was approved by the Jilin Provincial Government to independently hold higher vocational education. In January 2002, it was officially upgraded to Jilin Industrial Vocational and Technical College, which is under the jurisdiction of the Jilin Provincial Department of Education. The college was awarded the "Excellent" level in the talent cultivation work evaluation of higher vocational colleges by the Ministry of Education in 2007. In July 2008, it was approved by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Finance as the third batch of national demonstration higher vocational colleges, and can be called the "211 Project of Higher Vocational Education" school.

  • shenyang polytechnic college

    Shenyang Vocational and Technical College is a comprehensive general higher vocational and technical college approved by the People's Government of Liaoning Province. The college is located in Shenyang, the capital of Liaoning Province and the center of the central Liaoning urban agglomeration. The large group of equipment manufacturing enterprises in Shenyang is a strong support for the college's vocational education. The college is a national vocational college "CNC technology" high skill and scarce talent training base determined by the Ministry of Education, a "computer application and software technology" high skill and scarce talent training base, a national "CNC technology" student practical training (teacher training) base, a Liaoning vocational college teacher and principal training base, and a Shenyang equipment manufacturing industry skill training base.

  • Welcome to Chaoyang Normal College!

    The new campus of Chaoyang Normal College is located in the scenic Longshan area of Chaoyang City. Its predecessor was Chaoyang Normal College, which was established with the approval of the Liaoning Provincial People's Government in 1960. It was adjusted and suspended from 1962 to 1977. In 1977, it was approved by the Liaoning Provincial Education Bureau to establish the Chaoyang Teachers' Special Class of Liaoning First Normal College. In 1981, it was officially established with the approval of the State Council. In 1990, Chaoyang Education College was merged, In 1993, it was renamed as Chaoyang Normal College by the National Education Commission. In 2001, Chaoyang First Normal School and Chaoyang Workers' University were merged. In 2008, it was newly built at the current campus in a different location. Since its reconstruction in 1981, Chaoyang Normal College has been responsible for the training of basic education teachers in Chaoyang City and surrounding areas. It has trained a total of 16767 full-time college graduates, making significant contributions to the economic and social development of Chaoyang City and surrounding areas, especially in the cultivation and training of basic education teachers.

  • Welcome to Liaoning Financial Vocational College:

    Liaoning Financial Vocational College is the only public full-time higher vocational college in Liaoning Province approved by the provincial government and registered with the Ministry of Education. It has a history of over 50 years and has become a base for cultivating advanced applied talents in banking, insurance, securities, accounting, IT, management, and other fields. It has a wide social impact and good social reputation in the financial field.

  • Liaoning Equipment Manufacturing Vocational and Technical College

    Liaoning Equipment Manufacturing Vocational and Technical College is located in the Huishan Scenic Area in eastern Shenyang, covering an area of 538 acres and a building area of 150000 square meters. Among them, there are 29000 square meters of internship workshops, training studios, and manufacturing expo centers, with teaching equipment and instruments worth 38.5 million yuan. The college has 6 departments including mechanical engineering, automatic control, information engineering, economic management, humanities and social sciences and art design, with 6290 students.

  • Dalian Vocational and Technical College Homepage

    Dalian Vocational and Technical College is a full-time ordinary higher vocational college directly under the Dalian Municipal People's Government, mainly cultivating high-skilled and practical talents for the economic and social development of Dalian. Her predecessor was Dalian Management Cadre College (founded in 1979), which was converted into Dalian Vocational and Technical College with the approval of the Ministry of Education in 1999. She began to embark on the path of higher vocational and technical education. In 2001, according to the work arrangement of the municipal government, Dalian Industrial School and Dalian Normal School were merged into our college.

  • Liaoning Provincial College of Communications

    Liaoning Provincial Transportation College is one of the first 28 national demonstration higher vocational colleges in China, located in the historic city of Shenyang. It is a provincial-level general higher education institution in the field of science and engineering. The school was founded in 1951, initially named Northeast Jiaotong School of the Ministry of Transportation, and was the first specialized school in the field of highway transportation in New China. In 1954, it was renamed Shenyang Highway Engineering School of the Ministry of Transportation, and in 1958, it was upgraded to Liaoning Jiaotong University to provide undergraduate education and receive international students from China. In 1965, according to the central policy of combining peace and war, the school was relocated from the urban area of Shenyang to Zhoujiagou Village, Shangjiahe Town, Xinbin County, Fushun City. In 1982, it moved back to Shenyang City and began preparing to build Liaoning Provincial Highway Vocational School in 1985. In 1989, it enrolled vocational students and was named Liaoning Provincial Transportation Higher Vocational School in 1991. The school has undergone three changes in location and seven changes in name, and has successively held vocational, undergraduate, vocational, and vocational education.

  • Liaoning Forestry Vocational and Technical College

    Liaoning Forestry Vocational and Technical College, formerly known as Liaoning Forestry School, a national key vocational school founded in 1951, is the only vocational college in our province that integrates forestry, landscaping, architecture, computer science, and management. The college is located in Sujiatun District, the southern vice city of Shenyang, with a beautiful environment and convenient transportation. It is an ideal garden for young students to study and become successful.

  • Liaodong University

    Liaodong University is a provincial undergraduate institution approved by the Ministry of Education, located in the most beautiful border city in China - Dandong City, Liaoning Province. Dandong is located on the banks of the Yellow Sea and the Yalu River, with beautiful scenery, pleasant climate, and picturesque four seasons. It is an ideal place for students to study and live. Liaodong University is divided into two campuses in the north and south. The south campus is built along the river, facing Xinyizhou City of the democracy People's Republic of Korea across the river. The environment is elegant and the scenery is beautiful; The North Campus is located at the foot of the famous tourist destination Wulong Mountain, with lush trees and fresh air. The campus covers an area of 1547 acres, with a total construction area of 427000 square meters and a total fixed asset value of 500 million yuan. There are currently 17000 students on campus.