• Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

    At the beginning of the founding of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the layout and setup of scientific research institutions were as follows: research institutes for applied basic research, basic work, comprehensive crops and livestock, economic management, information and information, etc. were generally located in Beijing, while research institutes for specialized crops or livestock and poultry were generally located in the main production areas, such as the sericulture institute in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, the peanut institute in Laiyang, Shandong Province, the linen institute in Yuanjiang, Hunan Province, and the cotton institute in Baibi Township, Anyang, Henan Province.

  • Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China

    Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China

  • Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

    Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

  • Chinese Academy of Engineering

    The Chinese Academy of Engineering is the highest honorary and consultative academic institution in China's engineering technology field. It is composed of academicians. It conducts strategic research on important national engineering science and technology issues, provides decision-making advice, and is committed to promoting the development of engineering science and technology. Its main task is to promote unity and cooperation among the national engineering science and technology community, promote the continuous improvement of China's engineering science and technology level, strengthen the construction and training of engineering science and technology teams and outstanding talents, and serve the sustainable development of the national economy.

  • Chinese Academy of Sciences

    Chinese Academy of Sciences

  • mudanjiang medical university

    Mudanjiang City is located in Zhangguangcai Ridge of the Changbai Mountains. There is the second largest mountain barrier lake in the world, the picturesque Jingbo Lake. Mudanjiang River flows slowly eastward around the city. The college is located next to picturesque mountains and rivers, and was founded in 1958. The famous historian Mr. Guo Moruo inscribed the name of the school. It is the only provincial full-time undergraduate medical college in the southeastern region of Heilongjiang Province. In 1997, it passed the qualification evaluation of the former National Education Commission in one go. In 2005, it was approved by the Academic Degrees Committee of Heilongjiang Province as a new master's degree project construction unit. In 2006, the expert group gave excellent evaluations in the national undergraduate teaching level evaluation.

  • heihe university

    Heihe University is located in Heihe City, Heilongjiang Province, known as the pearl of northern Xinjiang, across the river from the third largest city in the Far East of Russia - Blagovyshensk City. It is the only regular undergraduate institution in China along the 4300 kilometer border between China and Russia.

  • Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology

    Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology

  • Qiqihar university

    Qiqihar University has a history of 57 years and is the only provincial-level comprehensive ordinary higher education institution in the western region of Heilongjiang Province. She is located on the banks of Nenjiang River and Laodong Lake, covering an area of 1.25 million square meters and a building area of 720000 square meters. She enjoys the reputation of "University Around the Lake" and has been awarded the title of "Garden style School" by the provincial party committee and government; In 2007, it was awarded the title of "Excellent School for Evaluating the Undergraduate Teaching Level of Higher Education Institutions" by the Ministry of Education, and was listed as one of the ten key high-level universities under construction by the People's Government of Heilongjiang Province.

  • Heilongjiang University of Engineering

    As a newly established undergraduate institution, Heilongjiang University of Engineering cannot simply amplify and extend its existing specialties, nor can we blindly climb up and transform itself, nor can we follow the current model of undergraduate institutions step by step. On the basis of cherishing the rich historical accumulation of fifty years of education, we need to change our ideological concepts and actively explore new ways of engineering application-oriented undergraduate education. We will always adhere to the educational philosophy of teacher centered education, student-centered education, and people-oriented management, striving for survival with quality and development with characteristics; We will further highlight our position as the teaching center of teaching oriented undergraduate colleges, vigorously carry out educational innovation, and strive to explore the innovative path of cultivating engineering applied talents; We will continue to build a distinctive teaching team with engineering practical abilities and an engineering practical education environment, create an engineering cultural education atmosphere, and adhere to the principles of moral governance, legal governance, and democratic governance. We will construct a modern university system, establish a scientific development concept, promote the comprehensive, coordinated, and sustainable development of the college, and open up a new situation for the development of new undergraduate colleges.

  • Mudanjiang Normal College

    Mudanjiang Normal University is a provincial-level undergraduate institution with the earliest establishment, largest scale, and strongest comprehensive strength in the southeastern region of Heilongjiang Province. It is a research center for teacher education, a research center for basic education, and a training center for continuing education in the southeastern region of Heilongjiang Province. The school has a master's and bachelor's degree authorization system.

  • Daqing Normal University

    Daqing Normal University is a provincial ordinary higher education institution characterized by teacher education, with a coordinated development of multiple disciplines such as literature, science, education, engineering, law, and management. The school is based in Daqing, facing Longjiang, serving some provinces and cities across the country, cultivating high-quality teachers for basic education, and cultivating applied specialized talents for the development of oil fields and local economy and society. Over the past 40 years of education, it has trained over 30000 graduates, covering oil fields and various parts of the country.
