[:: Tonghua Normal University - tnu (live)&# 8482;::]

Domain: www.thnu.edu.cn

Site Name: [:: Tonghua Normal University - tnu (live)&# 8482;::]

Site Description: Tonghua Normal University is located at the foot of Changbai Mountain, by the Yalu River, in Tonghua City, Jilin Province, on the border between China and North Korea. The college is surrounded by beautiful scenery and mountains, forming a Changbai Mountain garden style campus with the natural and rugged tone of Changbai Mountain as the main theme, and the Changbai Mountain landscape trees and plants as the main attractions. The predecessor of Tonghua Normal University, Tonghua Normal College, was founded in 1958 and was upgraded to a undergraduate institution with the approval of the Ministry of Education in 1978. After nearly fifty years of development, it has now become a provincial-level normal university with teacher education as the main focus and coordinated development of multiple disciplines.

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Category: social sciences >> education

Index date: 2009-11-30 09:13:00

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