• Vitamin C+Vitamin B6, there's a big problem! - hair thickening supplements for older women

    In clinical practice, "250mL of 5% glucose injection+1g of vitamin C injection+0.1g of vitamin B6 injection+0

  • The "small" matter of washing hands actually has a "big" knowledge

    Hunan Daily All Media Reporter Wang Mingjun Correspondent Tang Bei Yang YongqiDo you know when Global Handwashing Day is after washing your hands for so many years?It's today, October 15th!Some people may say, 'Hand washing is all, is it necessary to set up a special holiday?'?Introduction to Hunan Disease Control and Prevention: Although washing hands may seem like a small matter, there is a "university question".Hand washing is the simplest, most economical, and effective way to prevent infectious diseasesYou must not know how many microorganisms there are in a pair of unwashed hands!Hunan disease control introduction: Hand washing is the first step to remove bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms from your hands, and is the simplest, economical, and effective method to prevent infectious diseases
